Chapter 6-This Is Where It Ends (Final Chapter)

"you may have had a rough life too but you aren't alone. i have been through it too. those suicide feeling, the feeling of abandonment and feeling as if you were gone, nobody will miss you. i almost committed suicide but my friends carlos stop me.

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Those Grey Steel Nights S1E13: We're Far From Where We'll Fall

I thought i was free and i was fine to live a rough life on the streets and in the system and then that doll appeared. the doll that claimed to be maggie. i was so desperate and needed to believe her.

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Love through frenzy and virus.

Although she wasn't used to the lack of big creatures roaming and trying to pick fights with her, it was a nice break from her rough life back at the hollow, and she was enjoying it thoroughly.

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Blood and Fire - chapter 1 (teaser)

I know i can't save all the waifs about your age living rough lives, but your rough life is right here in front of me now, and i can't just ignore it either." "oh." "so, do you want to have a better life than a street thief, kelwyn?"

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Kingdom Hearts: Shadows of Birth - Chapter 2

It sounds like you've had a rough life." consus said, sitting on the couch. they had to wait a few hours before they could leave apparently, so consus wanted to try and gather as much information as he could.

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Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 13 - Lucky Thirteen

Poor kid's had a rough life. we called the hospital to change his statement to say the incident was consensual sex." "good," i replied, relieved that the truth was out. "i was worried about that.

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Sunrise (Kreet 45)

"rough life. you've gotta be tough way out here. need a real pioneer spirit to live at the end of the line." kreet smiled at that. "or you really don't like other people a lot!" "that too," sigmundurr agreed, not realizing it was intended as a joke.

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Before The Fall 3

She could see that it to had a rough life. a female she was and a heart lost one. her mother got captured by a trainer. she had to survive on her own for a couple of years. and she had recently lost her mate by a pokemon poacher.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Three

Poor calvin sure has had a rough life. light from the red sun did little to light the dull sky because of the thin atmosphere.

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Chapter 1:There is a first time for everything.

Even by her young age, i knew she had a rough life, just like i have. then she continued "this are the outlands of pride lands, i am what they call an outlander" her voice suddenly became cold and somewhat empty, she rolled onto her belly now.

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Happy Place

#2 of torments vere, a young riolu who had recently been adopted by an officer jenny, had had a rough life. his first master, a human modelling star with an ego the size of a truck, had been cruel and merciless.

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Running Away From Trouble

Jesse, a young deer with a rough life at home is in such a phase, and he decides to book it in this story for backlash!

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