Dancing With Fire: Chapter 28

"why blitzy, what a pleasant surprise. calling me for once~" he purred. blitzø tensed. fucking caller id . "hey, stolas. um, i wanted to..." he swallowed.

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First Snow

"oh, come on, blitzy," the owl crooned, draping the coat, perfectly sized for the imp, over blitz' shoulders anyway. "it's a lovely evening out and there's something i want to show you."

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Chapter 5 - The Coolest Thing Ever (This Week)

"i want ya to do somethin' for me, will ya blitzy?" blitzy nodded eagerly, his eyes still staring at the smallest diamond dog like he was looking at prince solaris himself. "i want ya to try not to cum." "i'll... i'll do my best."

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Dancing With Fire - Chapter 12

Dear blitzy hasn't answered any of my calls or texts, and i simply had to drop by to make sure he was okay. i also assumed he wouldn't mind if i brought the grimoire earlier than usual while i was at it." the prince of hell looked around the office.

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Donder & Blitzen: Butt Buddies in Hell

"oh, you're the one who's going to have to worry about keeping it down, blitzy." donder traced his fingernail up and down the shorter reindeer's happy trail through his shirt. "i'll have you screaming out in pleasure." blitzen only grinned in response.

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Dancing With Fire - Chapter 2

"oh blitzy~" cooed the owl demon on the other end, "i just love how tough you act when you're angry. mmmm, keep talking tough to me." "can it, bitch!" snapped blitzø, "we got a deal.

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[69pamb.png](http://i63.tinypic.com/69pamb.png) (commission: odyssey wallpaper by blitzy-arts) [scenario: late one evening a young vampiric wolf relaxed peacefully in bed within his dimly-lit room.

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Mending the Broken: Chapter One

He didn't want stolas looming over him, all tall and overpowering, waggling his fingers at him and calling him his "blitzy". stolas knew that he hated that name. still, he called him that. why?

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Hospital Hijinx

Ok blitzy! do some damage with focus energy!" vince yelled. the cubone sighed. he only had a pawful of attacks without his bone club, wherever that went. he closed his eyes, and began to concentrate, while a whitish glow surrounded his body. muscles.

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Scattered Starlight - Stolas' Farewell

He took a breath, dabbed quill tip to inkwell, ink to parchment, and began: 'my dearest blitzy, blitz, i understand now. though the method has been dreadfully painful, i have at last come to recognise the roles we have each been playing.

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Loona's Love Life. Chapter 11

"my dear blitzy, i'm afraid we're going to have to talk about some delicate matters pertaining to your little favor you requested a few days ago." blitz's smirk vanished, replaced with a visage of stone. "he escaped didn't he?" stolas gave a nod.

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