"A Week At The Zoo" - Story by Kaz

The elephant enclosure. one of the largest enclosures in the entire zoo, there were only two of the elephants, and they roamed in a faux savannah, the grass always kept taller than the other enclosures.

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He flinched slightly as the metal frame of his goggle tapped gently against the glass of the enclosure.

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The Orc Stables - Part 1

When matt reached the middle enclosure of the left-hand row, he knelt down and unclipped the chain on the orc's nose ring, but he was surprised when, reaching out to pull out the orc's bit, the orc who was bound in the enclosure pushed his head forward

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The new dinosaur (part 16)

She smashed right trough the wall, it's going down in the t rex enclosure.

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Mesozoic Park (Part 13)

She flinched and spun to face me, she roared a deafening roar before she started to charge as i turned and ran back towards the enclosure.

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Zoo Pride

It was the lion enclosure at the zoo! and... she was inside it? what was even happening? she tried to stand up, but her body felt heavy... it was hard to get back up onto her legs.

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The new Dinosaur (part 14)

He started charging at me and i started running back towards the indominus enclosure he might only be a runt and only be a year old, but he could beat my head open like it was a pumpkin!

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Mesozoic Park (Part 16)

I was about to head to the indominus rex enclosures when i noticed the power was still out, i picked up my radio and said into it "hey, is the power out there too?"

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Survival of the Fittest (Preview)

He shone the light down into the enclosure and let out a low whistle. "dang, there they are." an incensed yip rose from the enclosure as cibola joined him, setting her half-finished beer down on the wall.

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