Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales
Mare's Tails and Dragon Scales by: Theo Winters Part 1 Written for Stormfront Alan moved quickly through the short grass, the thin sliver of moon providing just enough to see by as he reached the old wooden fence. He held himself there,...
Unlicensed Enrichment [Commission]
The lynx sighed again, reaching up to adjust the fit of the cap atop her head. She hated the way it felt, but the zoo required it so that patrons would recognize her as staff; _not that that matters,_ she figured, _since I'm basically just a glorified...
Stallion Made; Fit for a Fox
His mind raced with a dozen plausible situations - most of which revolving around fence hopping at night - before coming to a surprisingly good plan.
[COM-26] Fencehopping Folly
He had friends that were pretty laid back and cool to share with, but he was sure they wouldn't approve of him sneaking over two properties to fence hop.
Pet Next Door
Pet Next Door She yawned wide as she sat up in her bed, stretching her arms and arching her back. A shudder went down her spine as she shook off the last bits of fatigue from her mind, licking the roof of her mouth and rubbing the gunk from her eyes....
A Long Day: Chapter 2
He took a few of his usual shortcuts: climbing up a worn chain-link fence, hopping over a few railings and avoiding some of the younger skaters messing around, getting to his favorite wall he likes to scamper up, to find it's once again getting tagged but
Highly Nutritious Cream
Such fence-hopping was an act he picked up by spending time with another unscrupulous pokemon fucker. they had done so together with high blood alcohol levels, but lars wasn't confident enough to go alone and inebriated.
Dobie and Donut
Even a year on the road with middle-aged deviant ryan huffman had not entirely prepared her for the activity known as fence-hopping. it was something ryan had only alluded to, but the idea thrilled brooke.
PTC #04: The Unexpected Attack!
Scyther shouted as he ran towards malcolm's fence, hopping over it. with that, scyther was gone, leaving malcolm and pikachu standing on the back steps, absolutely clueless as to what just happened.
New Found Formula I
He felt like a drink, but he'd used up a few cans of light beer and the last of his whiskey in order to work up the nerve to fence hop. he took a look at the one glass bottle amidst all the others. was he really that desperate?
Runaways: Pt. 1
He sprinted to the fence, hopped over it as fast as he could, leaving behind his life forever. \*\*\* his weeping was done, as well as his fear. he had done it even if he was out of a home and a family.
Little Lady's Favor
Even the time he'd fence-hopped into the hockman farmstead when he was sixteen and spent a few intimate hours with one of the rapidash mares in the stalls wasn't such a guilty pleasure as this.