Heaven Scent

Lou was loving this a lot more than francis. "go on, go on! dye it. that'll teach the fucker." lou whispered into the lupe's left ear. francis just shook his head and smiled.

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Just for tonight

francis took off his shoes, hector unbuttoned his shirt.

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Broken Words: Chapter 7

It made him happy that francis thought about him, even if it was stupid little things like inviting an extra friend over just so he could stay with him. he needed to trust francis if he wanted francis to trust him, right?

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The Sinner and the Sorceress

francis sighed. "here is our proposal to you francis." the magister said.

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Night Owl

Daniel hilted in francis's beak, and we all knew what was happening. with a raucous screech, thick cum began flooding francis's throat.

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Bastard Trainer 1-4

Everything faded, even the gawking crowds, as his mind focused instead on francis, the incredible, muscular, gorgeous panther... francis... francis... master... the master... "there, you see?

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Miss Nadia Demands

The fox stood off of the couch, motioning for francis to get into position.

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King of Pentacles Takes Knave of Diamonds

francis still lost the hand, raised stakes or no.

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His Brother's Heat

Faline had lightened in her mood as she got to know francis. "it's an awful shame what happened to ya, francis." francis drank a beer. "yeah, god sure knows the right ways to fuck ya." he sighed.

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