Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 5

It's the same stuff as horoscopes - vague enough that it can apply to just about anyone, and total bullshit, but it's fun to pretend it's not." she slid her finger beneath the card, holding it down with her thumb. "ready?"

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Ice and Wind

I didn't expect a member of the prestigious college to look so kindly on something as esoteric and primitive as aspectological horoscopes."

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The Cooper Method

His horoscope did say he'd have an interesting encounter today. he decided to play along for now. "besides," the walrus started up. "why would i want any company from the likes of you?"

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Unexpected, Undeserved ~ Chapter 6

horoscope stuff." "well, yeah. it just got me thinking a bit." he watched the screen for a bit. she'd put on an anime he recognized, but not one he followed. "how much've i told you about marlin?"

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Siege (Chapter11, Act1, Book2)

You know, i'm surprised more guys aren't into astrology or horoscopes. mostly women are into it, because we like to look for meaning in things. for a man, it would be like being the only male shopper in a grocery store full of women.

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My Sword, My Clan 15 - My Journey to the Sky

James recognised the odd symbols around the world of ivalice to be that of the zodiac, from old dumb daytime tv when people would debate about horoscopes though he barely remembered more than three of the names.

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House of the Scapegoats

Some kind of horoscope or ad for a bonesetter? you are superstitious, mitmit?" "i am not, sir! this is not mine, i don't know how it got there, really!" amused, he drops the paper on his desk. there are more pressing matters.

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Not just demons, or horoscopes, or magic. melissa believed in her dad. her dad believed in the union. the union believed in the town, which was -- against every inclination of a rational god -- sort of starting to wake up.

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Attitude Adjustment (OLD)

"my _god,_" desmond grinned, his tail at once wagging behind him, "my horoscope was right - i _have_ found true love." leon could only growl in disgust, but with an air of helplessness, he turned away, shut his eyes, flattened his ears, and whimpered.

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Sentinels Youth Part 2

She leaned back in her seat at her table, reading the horoscope section of the coffee news. looking up her birth month, she found the entry. "'you meet someone special after witnessing something you will never forget'."

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Love Shall Win 3 - When You Made Your Wish

"gerald, ghosts dinnae exist an' neither do vampires, ah ken it's not real but that doesnae mean we can' have fun, it's like horoscopes!"

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 3.3 - Three Golden Kings

"this is all bullshit and you know it, what you gonna read my horoscope next?!" "n-...nooo?" meiji took back the magazine and tucked it away, bookmarking the star-sign section as they soon arrived at kaijuro station.

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