Aleisha's Story - Chapter One - School Days

Her eyes wild and feral, she staggered almost drunkenly, tripping over small shrubs; even her own feet - and sprawling on the leave littered path.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 4

Shaking his head frysco staggered up to one of his brothers... no the beasts, the goblin monsters he wasn't one of them! he was... fry... s.... frys... fry....

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How I Became Broken

I woke up groggily, staggering out of the park with a burning sensation spreading throughout my body. i realized i needed to feed, however i was confused of what to do. out of the corner of my eye i noticed a man staggering around drunk.

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One night at the ER

Greg had been working the er for a few weeks now, and knew that cramped ginger staggering shuffle all to well. "that makes seven."

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The Random Trades Game

He squeals as his own younger brother staggers into the machine... while a middle aged mare walks in the other side. the skunk nearing climax as he watches the goats brother become a sister.

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Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 44

He struck and slashed, but the plates covering the man took the impacts and he only staggered back. he hit back, and tristan felt each blow. felt bones break each time.

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Chronicles of B-man-Jack Oggstrose Arc Part 1-3

B-man dodged by falling onto his back before jumping back up to drive a left straight into xaviers jaw driving it shut, staggering backwards from the impact xavier countered with a left kick hitting b-man in the shoulder making him stagger back as well.

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 3

Cindy staggered a bit as she got to her feet, bleeding from the long lines xerrez had torn over her body but using the pain to anchor herself to the reality of the fight, as the monster grinned insanely and staggered forwards... and she narrowed her eyes,

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Chapter 4

Unable to find it, he swore, staggering to his feet.

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Chronicles of B-man End of part 2

Laboured breathing echoed near the entrance, followed by the sounds of someone staggering on their feet. b-man gripped the walls as best he could with his right hand, blood was running down from various cuts.

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See them stagger, shatter, die. see their parents mourn with grief, for their children, killed like sheep. see them stagger; see them cough. see one, then another, drop. see your vic'try shaded red. see them all, your endless dead.
