Bloody Tears, The Heart of the Vampyre 0

Time used to type: 3 hours 30 minutes (with corrections, editing and cleaning) **bloody tears, the heart of the vampyre - prologue** **this story is copyrighted to lysgaard ljusskjöld and tenchi arizonia, containing characters owned by various people used

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The Meeting of Coincidence

They moved through the lobby with her still on his front, she had started to nuzzle him like some toothless vampyre.

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Master Ravenclaw

Tommy's eyes glance over the page, an illustration of a fur with bloodlust in his eyes and blood dripping from his mouth as he bit the flesh of an unconscious, possibly dead woman and the title very clearly stating 'vampyre'."no. no!

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Howling Hunter - Lunagaron TF

The regal, vampyric dragon was considered a major threat to elgado, and approaching it was only advised if the hunter in question had enough experience and strength to do so, as all other efforts would be tactical suicide.

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Tales of the Thief King: Chapter 6 part 2: The Act

He was undoubtedly the offspring of a blood djinni and a vampyric mage, an abomination that should not be possible to occur on accident, much less at all! i snarl, rage starting to take hold, as it always does near abominations.

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Chapter Two: Near Dead Experience

This would be true if they were born to the fae, elves, vampyres, anami, dwarves, terrans, or humans. these groups all follow a birth order style of leadership. this ultimately leads to disaster in nine cases out of ten.

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Sole of the Destroyer 7: Not on the Same Pa(i)ge

#7 of the sole of the destroyer abyss faces the queen of the vampyres, and finds himself in the fight of his life, and for it, too, particularly as the fight begins to turn against him.

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Chapter 2: Shipping and Lessons Learned

Aelon's pov i was awakened too early for my liking by that damned vampyre. to be exact, he slapped me in the face with one of his wings, catching me just below the eye with a claw.

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Tales of the Thief King 1: Enslaved

My dad wasted his life hunting this daemon breed called the vampyre. fucking scum they are, suck the life right out of your veins. however, they never came to this area until he pissed off their alpha by killing its mate.

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The Sole of the Destroyer 1: Nightfall

Draconicon _and so it is said that, in the days of steel and lightning, when the moon rises green and the bats rule the sky, when the red vixen hunts and the white trickster takes flight, the queen of the vampyres

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Misadventures of Ganymede Van Helsing

** _ are we hunting vampyre?" "well, werewol-, i mean _wolf_ **_man_** , right?" "you can kill a werewolf with a well-placed frying pan to the back of the head. even a strong, strapping lumberjack could strangle one to death.

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The Fallen:A Love Story

I am undead, a vampyre. though i don't feed on the living, nor does sunlight impede me." star sat in his warm embrace, "but..." "magic love, magic," he knew her question, "through my years i have learned many magic's."

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