Horsie Ride, Part 5 - Picture in Picture

She fell forward a bit, supporting herself with her hands on her father's belly, riding through her orgasm. that was all dave could take. he squeezed his knot tightly, and with a loud groan of long-awaited relief he let himself go.

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Price of Failure

Which would have lead to even more punishments, such as the time he'd put her in a harness and made her belly ride him around the classroom. all she really had to do was get him off and then it'd be good.

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Anxious Youths Series 2016

What it is is done in brazil, it is termed as belly-riding by some. "maybe you are right there, but my wish is to be with you as much as possible. to become a were-stallion would be neat."

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Aphrodite City 12: Epilogue

Thanking michael for his help, the afghan hound headed home to her studio apartment in silicon city with her bloated belly riding up her long-suffering t-shirt.

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"yeaaah, god, feel daddy's big slimy heavy gut riding on top of you. you gotta love how powerful i am. mmh. the strength in this big ol frog legs. i'm gonna fucking slime you up, mouse. from head to toe. in. my. sweat. look at me.

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Trying Something New and Old 01

At the same time, she started grinding her hips against ceylon's belly, riding the underside of his ribs where they met his belly. "not gonna lie, i'm getting pretty excited myself. not very often this happens, so best make use of the time we have."

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Self Taught, Open Minded

His tail remained out behind him and both wings spread wide for balance as was tugged onto his belly, riding him cowgirl style. "is this better for you?" he asked, a devious grin curling the side of his beak.

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Stray Nights - For Sevlow.txt

"okay then..." the man said as he adjusted himself above his canine partner, his muscle gut riding low and rubbing against the wolf's own erection as he lay there, kneeling over the other. "let's see how this turns out..."

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Song of the Tulkun

His feeding frenzy had consequences as well, a distending belly riding up his shirt and feeling impossibly taut around his shoulders and pecs. he would have to be rid of his clothes soon but figured he would try to hold onto them for as long as he could.

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Bad to Worse (Revised 2018 )

Me kneeling before lysaila is a dangerous position, she being more seductive than can a human female, that she-creature demon might wish to ride my back or hang on me her belly-riding sling.

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