"Only a Mere Dog" (Originally Written 6/21) [Re-Written 7/4]

I just thought that a woman with bigger breasts would justify me adding some of the abusive lives from the guard. so, it's both for the sake of the character and story, and for me, the writer. scraps --- what is "scraps," you ask?

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*Cub* Reese and Lyah's Hyper Holidays: Nude Year's Eve

"oh, i thought you wanted to have bigger breasts on your chest?" margaret clapped her hand over her mouth. "sorry... it just slipped out!" her husband was trying not to laugh while oveta simply slapped the back of margaret's seat.

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Thanksgiving Twist

It wasn't long after she noticed that they were getting bigger, breasts swelling with each passing second. she couldn't help but let out a soft gasp, the pleasure growing alongside her increasingly swollen melons.

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Pizza, Purgatory, and Pokemon

Still panting, she sat up and embraced her invisible lover, giggling as their tits touched, her bigger breasts overpowering lia's smaller bosom. "i got you, mistress!" "yes," lia laughed. "you do. forever." "forever?" cassi's eyes widened.

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No-Nut Narrator: Nov. 22-24 (Heavy; Dripping; Neighbor)

Tinara was t'lak's next-door neighbor: a wide-hipped dragoness with a big laugh and even bigger tits. even among the red dragons, she was an infamous flirt, and always seemed at her most comfortable when she was making a man's dick throb.

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nim - A Random Interview

All they had to do was wait a little while and i'd have bigger breasts than all the other cows. then, in a single session, they could get several buckets of milk from me alone. i was basically worth four cows in one. and i was paid well for it too.

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Mary-Anne's Mammaries

Technically she had gotten what she wanted - a way to get bigger boobs and, she could tell by the tightening of her pants, a nice big booty, but what she was going through wasn't anything like she expected!

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The Jewel Heist

She's taller than the squirrel, definitely, and reassures herself that she is definitely more the woman, bigger breasts, wider hips. and yet, there's just something about her latest client, an intensity that sets her on edge. afraid?

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"i told you, i've got bigger boobs." i narrowed my eyes at her, then took in a deep breath, willing my body to change. my breasts started to expand, slowly but smoothly, swelling two cup sizes in about six seconds. "no you don't, bitch." "whatever.

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poistions need labels

As i took a computer to trash i sighed then heard on the radio of madem taur's poitions, one sip and anything can happen, bigger, boobs, less sexness, more sexness, as the ad ended i took down the address, if anything it might help.

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Short: Maternity Leave

And your bigger tits. i'll do this next year too if you want more of my pups to nurse." cia couldn't find the strength to respond.

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