Innocent Turquoise - Lazy Afternoon

Her mind hazed and her muscles tightened as the girl's lungs filled with air and a powerful orgasm electrified her body. dennis followed immediately after.

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Breeding More Raiders

He could already feel his body changing on the inside, the interior of his latex form starting to swell outwards as though it was being filled with air.

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M-Preg Stream Story 4: Breeding More Raiders

He could already feel his body changing on the inside, the interior of his latex form starting to swell outwards as though it was being filled with air.

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Of course, he couldn't even see past his own cheeks now, as even they were filled with air from his expansion. bloated, swollen, filled beyond his capacity, glitch was forced to lay there and wait for the inevitable.

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Catching Kevin

He yipped and churred, beyond ecstasy, as his insides filled with air and latex. the sensation was almost unbearable. years of practice with balloons made it possible for savannah to judge the condom's length and girth.

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August 9: The Cat in the Forest

I took deep breaths and once my lungs were filled with air, i closed my eyes and went for it. but before my lips could even make contact, i felt a powerful slap on my cheek. "what were you going to do to someone who was asleep?!"


The Misadventures of Phoebe and Summer - The 3 Experiances

Summer's now pink legs were nearly transparent, and filled with air.

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A Happy Ending

Her chest fills with air as she takes a deep breath before exhaling sharply, blowing a hurricane-force wind after the two mortals. liam and jupiter reach the edge of the temple grounds and bolt heedlessly into the thick forest undergrowth.

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Selth's description (canoniest)

- unable to eat if filled with air (until the air is being replaced that is) - weak to latexmancy if control is greater than his will - specially treated latex - goes from completely unable to eat it to it altering him and affecting his will,

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirteen

She wasn't being filled with air, though. there was nothing beneath her skin but rock solid muscle. i could see it rippling under her fur, swelling to proportions even greater than was natural. like a werewolf on steroids.

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Padded Perspectives: Dom PoV

Their slow, deep breaths continued, lifting up their small form as their lungs filled with air, before slowly falling back down. "steady. breathe. once more, in... and out. good. now, drop."

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The Date

Instead of my lungs filling with air, my whole body filled with _him_. at first, gyumao's body was intertwined with mine but soon his started replacing mine. the foreign matter felt strange as it entered. my bones were filling with his marrow.

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