Rexville 36: Lighthouse Hike

Then the neighborhood was full of houses in the holiday spirit. it hadn't been a year yet since keanu moved, and he was feeling a bit nostalgic.

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Complete Story: Christmas Norg

"guess that means we won't be getting into the holiday spirit early then?" "mmh!?" jason's ears flicked with her eyes locked on the items desmond held up in each hand. one was a carton of eggnog, the other a bottle of spiced rum.

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Holiday Horror Chapters 1 - 2

When those lights flickered, no one gave it a second thought, knowing the winter storm that was creeping in with the holiday spirit.

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A Sanctuary in the Woods - Part 1: Stranded

spirit (which with everything going on this dismal year...)

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A Change In Tradition

She didn't really get into the holiday spirit and anyone she expected to bring over weren't coming for cookies and eggnog. "everyone's in the kitchen grabbing some snacks. amy baked cookies." "they any good?"

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A Very Murry Yule

I know it's a week early, but i want everyone to have time to get into the holiday spirit! ;3 the snow had been coming down for hours, but the wolf was far from worried.

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Kevin Stair Sticks the Landing: Part 6

They had dutifully trooped down, neither one much in the holiday spirit, their past and present hanging between them like a noose.

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The After Christmas Sale

So i promised a new story and i kind of wanted to do something kinky but also in the holiday spirit.

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Glimmer - Part 04

The holiday spirit seemed to weave through the city, illuminating it in a breathtaking display. it was almost enough to make ari believe in the magic of the season. it was beyond late when the two exited the station, and made their way to ari's house.

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The christmas part was a bit redundant, as the affair had been rescheduled to the twenty-seventh, but the holiday spirit lingered in a festive afterglow.

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