Red, Black and Grey Part 1, Chapter 5

My house mate is a nurse as well, so she can keep an eye on her when i'm not there. eliza would love that too; her specialty is child medicine. why she hasn't settled down with her boyfriend and raised a family of her own is beyond me."

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Crimson and Clover (Chapter II)

The fox aimed a kick at her house mate but he side stepped out of the kitchen laughing. she was not in any mood for his antics and shoveled the breakfast down quickly as she could hear nicky picking up his briefcase and heading out the front door.

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House Guest - Stranger Danger

"why do we have to have a house mate?" i said in an irritated tone. "because it's a nice gesture," she replied, smiling as she looked down on the clean tile.

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But - i found myself looking forward to the times my house-mate came in drunk and horny enough to want real flesh inside her.

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Zoe and Zana's Kinky Bet

It involves a bit of deviousness with our house mate." zana instantly perked up as she realized what her sister had in mind. "wait you're not going... are you saying you want to prostitute yourself and me to ram??!"

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Edge Walking. Chap 4: Interview

"guess you guys found a new house-mate. sheila's gonna be happy, i know that." it couldn't be held anymore. levees of the eyes bursted, as tears began cascading down the grateful boy's cheeks. a home. a loving home.

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Weekend R2

How many other bucks had that wolf dragged into that house, mated with on that bed? he shivered at the thought of a three-way with another buck... or another wolf. or even one of those barb-cocked cougars that were known to roam around the woods.

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The loss of sight two

Her old house mates tried to have her come home but she refused. sugar's owner found her and she was fatter and was happy. every time she retrieved her, sugar would run back to delia's den. douglas kept the three of them warm at night.

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01 - Monk He See, Monk He Do

A collaborative effort between me and my (house)mate featuring his two monk characters and my own. i wrote the bulk of the text, but he had a fair amount of input as well, without which i probably wouldn't have written this.

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A Prank Gone Wrong

"morning" they both said to their house-mates. they got a few responses as they reached for some food. he looked around the table and sighted, not seeing any members of the team. "something wrong?" a slightly high pitched voice said next to him.

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Chronicles of D.O.G - Entry 2: Duke Rocheister (Prt. II)

I despised how the doberman treated his house mates. they were nothing but pawns in his games. he didn't care who got hurt, as long as it accomplished his goals.

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