A Good Girl

"hey, i owe you a favor, not some wookie life debt. gotta keep your request reasonable." rose just brought her palm up to her face with a sigh. "fine, fine. next time, i'll get half of it done before class. that work?"

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Chapter 14: Disclosure

Raikou smirked, long canines glinting in the veranda light, before he nodded, dropping his head to his paws and said "i owe a life debt to your son, human. he rescued me from a fate far from certain.

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Fifth Entry

Even a brief conversation with him reveals almost immediately that he regards rufus as his leader, and he'll do just about anything for the wolfen, including giving up his own life if it's needed, so as to satisfy what he sees as a life debt.

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An Following Seas

Moon didn't complain too much because of the life debt that he owed the captain. when rye, chains and scully were busy he would spend his time with kendra. the hyena did her best to teach him about his gift then assisted with harnessing it.

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Case 5 - Ancient Stalker (Part 3)

"he's collecting quite a few of those life debts." she nodded at her. "and he even asked you to train him. that's got to mean something." "i think he just wanted someone that wasn't... officially noxumbra?

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Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss

If it has happened that you save the life of a gryphon, he ore she will remain by your side until this life debt is settled. according to their laws, his or her life belongs to the savior.


Your death and how to cope with it Pt1

"ah, nothing like a bit of a life debt to make people bend to your will." artemis laughed. "so are you trying to turn her good, alduin?"

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Chapter 15: Experimentation

He expected murdered parents, or an evil brother that wanted to overthrow the crown, or possibly a life-debt that he owed celestia. surely there had to be something extraordinary about a pony's past to make him join the royal guard.

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Fair Winds

"you shall serve under my command until your life debt to me has been settled." she replied. taking a moment to think his options over before agreeing to join shayde's crew. with the deal made she retrieved her lock picks and unlocked all his shackles.

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Secrets Ch. 29

When it happened last time the wolf it focused on was the one who now owes me a life debt, but even that wasn't as strong as with silver just now.

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Tempest, and His Sexual Struggles

Well, in my culture we repay a life debt like that with... anything," cynder admitted, taking a step back. "you saved me from getting dragged across the ocean to become a slave, so what is it you'd like?" _she'll do anything for me?

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