The House Of The Dragons - Chapter 1

Was this what it was like for prey, when in olden times they were hunted? to look into a beings eyes, who could take your life with one swipe, and be powerless, motionless, unable to call or struggle.

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Halo: First Contact, Chapter 9: Heartbreak

The man felt as if he was a french revolutionary from thousands of years in earth's past, marching up to the infamous guillotine of olden times. soon, he saw her sandal clad paws stride to stand a foot or so away from him.

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A Small Purchase

Slave trading hadn't really grown much as an industry since the olden times that earthen folk were familiar with.

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Xebassian's Playroom, Part 3 of 4

I found myself pondering what life must've been like been back in the olden times before the invention of the gridworld.

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King Neptune's Temple Of Lust

The island chain they were in was something of a local legend: from olden times, stories had been told of powerful sea god, giant sea serpents and rage filled krakens.

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The Last Hydra

She had the legs of a dragon too, although not the wings, her scales a light gold as if she had been dusted with something ethereal, a creature that had only come to exist in the world due to the might of xigfeldo and his lover of olden times, svea the hydra

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And With His Many Jagged Teeth 3 - He Found A New Sorrow

Those unable to work in a field ought to be put under the scythe, like olden times...much, much olden times when-"_** "-man was but another beast reaping from the soil."

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A Good Boy

Innate carnal instincts in my new brain made me think of great-great-grandfathers, the wolves of olden time chomping on a prey's neck.

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