Task board request June Warning (not for the timid)

Jill started to speak with a killers intent, "now that is a surprise, a rare one indeed. so we always wanted to cut one open and see how it works.

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Sparky's deal

That's a rare one." the raichu has never heard of a micro that -likes- being a micro. at least not while normals are part of the equation. "how do you mean you like giants?"

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Team Violet 3: Questions

He was a mischievous pokémon, and was one of the rare ones who hated pokéballs more than anything. he was loyal though, and had been an invaluable asset to team violet. and he assisted me on personal projects from time to time.

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Dark Resolve

Greyson surely felt many things around him, but 'uncomfortable' was rarely one of them. after all, he was always the one who made the moves, gave the hugs.

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Pet and Babysitter - Part 6

That it was the rare one in a thousand that was like us and able to talk like us and learn like us and they would sometimes meet and breed and even amongst their offspring the reality was one in five was like them...

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Venturing: Avoiding Reed

They ranged from the most common fruits known to creatures and animals towards the rare ones such as tangeri or brinna which is a weird type of fruit so you know. but never minding the history of fruits as we touched down upon the grounds below us.

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Lion Tamer - P4

"he's a rare one... the conditions for selling him to you are very strict... he still owes me a certain amount as per his contract... within that contract is that if a client requests him in particular for his... attributes... he must serve them.

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Guns & Arrows: Segment of my book "Planes"

But sometimes, though this is quite rare, one can obtain ownership of one if they prove themselves worthy to the council." conroy informed. "what did you do that made you worthy enough for one?"

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Unlucky Mission

Both were female, and angelia would have sworn that the siz armed feline was a leiaou , but such a modification was considered deviant, and she doubted that she would just happen to run into one of the rare ones.

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