Memories of A Dragon (Chapter 1)

I'm not welcomed here in my planet, even if i am born with royal blood. it pretty much began when i was born: when i was born, i was very much different than compared to most of my race. my parents aren't sure how the mutations happened.

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Non Canon Chapter 2

After all, they shared the same royal blood, meaning that their pride would go on no matter who impregnated the lioness. he took another deep breath as he padded into the private section of the savanna.

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Forest of Uil

Ancient power hides in the temple of distraction, awaiting the one with the sense of the royal blood. stray form the path, the world gets darker, and the trees seem to move and swallow the ones to fall for there trap.

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter Nine

"that is the last time that we will ever be divided, and now our royal blood line is back in charge! all hail us! long live the primes!" said ignitus. he was happy that our family was in charge, and even the citizens liked us.

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Hunters Moon

Rose had done guardwork in her time outside the grand longhouse of her clan before, daring to venture to a neighbouring village under the guise of a mercenary - just to break up the mundane day to day of being royal blood; she could defend herself, but tonight

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Hybrid: CH 8: Revelations

When she was in the hive communication traveled mentally and lilith had always picked up background noise and conversations due to her being partly of royal blood. but lilith now realized outside of the hive her world was strangely quiet and empty.

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23- Calm Before the Storm

"shara, while you may have royal blood, your murder spree against the guardians, attack on new schatten, and the torture of my real cousin show you are unfit to lead.

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The Lion King: Tale Of Two Worlds

She inquired, showing him the reverence as befitting one of royal blood. "you can start by telling me if you idiots have made any progress on finding a way to unseat my loathsome brother and his little hairball of a son."

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Tail Of An Assassin - Wolf Dilemma Complex: Part 1

A king without a queen is another funeral waiting to happen... not to mention david's the last of royal blood." replied the moogle, sipping her iced tea.

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 4

I am one of those souls, but for you to get such an important and powerful demon seed you must be a descendant of royal blood" shadow: "whoa hold on.......i'm so confused right now can you start at the beggining?"

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Chapter 4 - Roleplay and Rainbows

A dashing, young, royal blooded stallion who would shower her in gifts, attention and passion. instead she was huddled under her best friends wing, with strange feelings toward the manly mare who knew as much about fashion as she did carpentry!

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Shadow of Life part 3

Deces is a sophisticated monster with a taste of royal blood. his charm and magic draws in just what he wants day after day. quickly claude comes to understand what it is that deces wants from him.

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