Electric Touch: Chapter 31 (mPikachu x fRaichu)

You are a fucking monster who only thinks in money!!! do you know what?!?!?!" mr. wright slowly closed his eyes, and laughed.

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Chapter 8 - Only The Beginning

Are you... some kind of fucking monster!?" vulpa narrows her eyes and walks toward him. "you must be the monster, using a gun against an unarmed kemono. this time i won't feel pity for you..."

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Wolf Nick

A werewolf shows up with a werewolf hunter conveniently on his tail, and then the werewolf disappears, only to get close to my grandson and turns him into a fucking monster! what the fuck kind of werewolf are you... you... you gross faggot!

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The Human Species Ch. 35 - Suppressed Personality Cyon

I'm a fucking monster, struggling just to sustain a miserable existence! i... i can't live like this!" "of course you can!"

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Red fight

''these people are fucking monsters ..monsters i say we need to get rid of them ''an angry voice shouts in the planning tent.

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The Salt and The Wound

I feel like a fucking monster when i hurt you because it feels so good to be in control for once and i don't wanna become the kinda monster that keeps coming for me!" the badger had got to his feet, gesticulating wildly at wally.

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Macro Tyler March #6 - Sleep Growth

Keep going... get bigger... get fucking huge... grow into a giant fucking monster for me..." jessica continued to whisper breathlessly under her breath.

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Hypnovember - Day 6: Restrained

"you fucking monster!" the serpent heard him. the fox saw as he turned to face him. the legs and tail hung out of his maw, while the rest of his body was slightly visible under the skin.

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Camilla, the Conquerer - Chapter 9

She rode him, his cock deep in her pussy, his mating monster stretching her labia as far as it would go, his knot rubbing against her hard, big clit.

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An Impulse Purchase

Drawing the freshly fucked monster into his lap and dusting stray damp straw from his silken skin, jax trailed his claws over the little slut's bulging belly. "you've been such a good little one for me.

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Chapter 5: Power For a Price

"what did you say you fucking abomination?!" she hissed. "now i'm an abomination? when did i get promoted?" he smirked. "at the exact moment when you changed yourself to a database lifeform you bastard.

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The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 7

"i don't care, you fucking abomination!" the scene suddenly became blurred as the echo of the crowd began to disperse.

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