Tango With The Trio

Lexington cried out in surprised pleasure when brooklyn's tail stretched him out so far, the tip of his tail teasing the yellow gargoyle's prostate.

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My Love of War, Part 1

The feel of his warm length rubbing up against my fur and under my tail, teasing my tailhole and making my legs feel weak was overwhelming.

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Chapter Two: Raising the Bar

My erection, now truly monstrous in size, pressed against the soft fur of her back, and her twitching, fluffy tail teased me beyond any semblance of clear thought. at her direction, i lifted her up overhead, resting her sex against the tip of my shaft.

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He had to bite his lower lip to keep a whinny in when a naughty finger invaded under his tail, teasing his button-like anus. "you like that, do you?" duh! veel closed his eyes, trying to do long math in his head.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #8

Jolty gave the umbreon a playful smack with his tail, teasing him as he started to walk towards the tree. "you mean the berries and other goodies you left me? you're too much umbra." he said, smiling as he stayed close to the umbreon.

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As Inevitable as Death Itself

A muffled groan escaped her as robin returned the kiss in kind, thick serpentine tongue filling her mouth and threatening to ravage her throat as those coils tightened around her, the tip of her dexterous tail teasing up and down her tender thighs until she

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Exchange, Part 5

He flicked his tail teasingly. bambi had had enough. quickly, he pounced at simba again. this was exactly what the deer wanted. he knelt down and bambi, who was very surprised, flew right over him and back into the oasis.

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A Bad Day

His words were soothing, so very soft, and she relaxed into the downy float of them, lifting rather than sinking, even the muscles around the dock of her tail teasing out, bit by bit.

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Slave Maker 3000

"oooh, i love catalogues," murmured the skunk, dismissing the wolf with a nod, her eyes lighting up as her tail teased the sleek covering of the rabbit.

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The Lion King 2 1/2: Chapter 9 - Aftermath

Kiara ran off ahead of the other lioness with her tail raised teasingly high in the air to get the other to follow. vitani who had her mind set on getting some prime pridelander pussy now was right on her tail.

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Toys 4: The Handkerchief

. ----------------------------------- toys 4: the handkerchief by wolfbane the wolf, bane, wagged his tail teasingly as he walked away from the bunny he had met only hours earlier.

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Neighbor pt. 4

I grinned and flicked my small tail teasingly at him again. he gave a snort and licked across my tail hole making me murr and shiver in pleasure, he continued to stroke his member, making it slick with his pre.

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