MLTTA ***** Chapter 2: Dominic.

Dabble a little with piano and violin though all of my experience was self taught and i cant read music to save my life...) and we both enjoy a wide variety of sports, (though i enjoy a little of indoor cricket and softball i tend to stick to the more non-team

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Clueless S2Ch1 Love to Run, Run to Love (Intro)

At the end of the day it cross country is a team sport, so it wasn't a real victory for my school, nor lachlan. despite this, all the buzz from the race was centered on everybody's favorite brown rat.

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How to Forget About Peaches

Auto racing wasn't like team sports for field. in team sports, you liked one or two teams, and you lived or died with those teams. if those teams were out if it, the season was over.

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Sins of the Father

A snort escaped his nose as he thought of hec's other ideas for the use of this tub; for him, marking territory could be a sort of tag-team sport, and there was enough room here for the five of them to enjoy the game.

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Lust in the Locker Room

Silver groaned as he swung around the door into a larger changing room, something that was maybe intended for team sports or a family room - no one cared. all he cared about was that the door was open and the room was free.

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Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.3)

Do you want your kid to do professional team sports? we also many of the best youth coaches in baseball, soccer, lacrosse, basketball... nothing brutal like battling and such, though, not our style."

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Jett and Manzi

Jet knew he was stronger than the mandrill and likely faster, but the coach had doubtless been in more fights than the jaguar and given the rules governing dominance could be applied to team sports, any coach dealing with adolescent males had to put thought

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 8

And i kept making excuses about not having found a good choice yet but eventually i just picked wrestling because it involved fighting and wasn't a team sport like everything else.

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Camp Counselor

I got to spend all my days in the great outdoors and work with the campers in activities such as team sports and leading hiking expeditions. each camp series lasted a week, and the counselors had two days of rest before the next camp series started.

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Red Twiligh World Walker Chapter 14 eclipse phase 2

Loki points out, "but since you are in such a hurry maybe we can play some team sports, i have 5 or so friends with me, if you can find one or two also we can set up something fun."

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Hair of the Beast Pt. 2

The most obvious sports were football, rugby, and hockey, but there were plenty of other teams, sports, and sports-related equipment strewn across the walls that tom didn't recognize.

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Locker Room (Full Story)

They looked so happy out there ... it almost made rupert wish he'd taken more of an interest in team sports. almost. as much fun as that looked, he couldn't imagine how bad he'd feel if he held back his whole team when they were counting on him.

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