Always Kennel Your Pets (3/7)

Strangely it was also giving him a little thrill to consume the creature, the ultimate act of dominance over another, and with their unique anatomy he didn't have to worry about harming velo either.

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The Mistress's Newest Toy 1

Laub's...unique anatomy. he hadn't thought that she would have so many 'toys' that were similar to her, though.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (4/10)

Their unique anatomy allowed for creature to easily push in, stretching out the holes slightly as the tendrils touched his mind and began to spread out in his skull.

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Always Check the Packing Slip P1

"there's just something about you that i can't quite put my finger on, perhaps your unique anatomy?" "um... thanks," lux replied with a raised eyebrow. "i don't mean it to be a deficit to you!"

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If partly to learn more about his unique anatomy, as well as make his acquaintance while the beast inside her was more dormant. hibernating after his feast, in a sense. she'd grown a little chubby from the meal.

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Consequences of Casual Flirtation

She had very unique anatomy, where her tail's passage led to her womb through a second cervix, and according to feroso her tail went through the groin and deposited right into her balls.

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Stalking Soultaker

Pressed as closely to him as she was, there was no hiding his unique anatomy. chiger's impressive set was doubled up in every way, a pair of cocks and a double set of balls stacked on top of each other.

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1 - Billy makes a friend

He didn't wear any, himself, since clothes were expensive, especially for his unique anatomy. but somehow this was different. his body tingled all over, just looking at her, and his brain went numb.

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Birthing Dragons: Odussuum: Part 1-3

He was worried, knowing that humans could only birth dragons live, instead of laying eggs as some species did thanks to our unique anatomy.

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Trojan Breeding Horse

She felt that spewing load start pumping deeper, everything overflowing through her unique anatomy - and taking mere moments to gape her rear entrance, starting to spew in a thick river from under her pinned tail.

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Wet Wolf

Due to the unique anatomy at play here virgil can keep sucking down on wolf dick all he wants.

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