Chapter 2: TWAAAGHRK!!!

Tweenk had long taught his two underlings about what orks were, what they did, and why. And why it was so good. But as their questions grew with their ages, he answered those too. Like why orks did certain things, what for, how, and especially how orks...

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Tell Me All About It [ Commission ]

His hands cradled a creased novel, and she could barely make out the warhammer 40k logo on its tattered back cover.

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Desolation: The Vanguard II: The Twins

Desolation: The Vanguard Chapter II: The Twins By Von Krieger Li's sister moaned softly and shifted beneath her, responding to the soft kisses upon her breast. Li smiled as she sat upon her larger sister's midsection and began to caress her....

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Time on the Bottom

She found a few nerdy nicknacks across the counter, mostly warhammer 40k stuff like paints, minis, and paper to avoid a mess.

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Chronicles of a Half Dragon: Chapter 2: Wedding Night

"have any of you ever heard of warhammer 40k?"all of them shook their heads. "it is a series that tells the tales of many men in the far future. each book focuses on the survival of humanity, fighting off scores of aliens, traitors and even demons."

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Chapter 4: Ride him, Boar-Grrl!

The three mandrakes moved through the thick, tropical forest like black oil running through veins. The leader, Helledaerk, with his thick white cloud of hair, high black pointed ears, giant blade and baggy pants seemed to slide through the shadows. A...

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Hit Dat Bich!: The Female Greenskinz

* * * **_40(?) Facts and Lore about the hypothetical Grrrl Greenskinz!_** * * * 1. Orkettes, or orkesses, or as they call themselves, **_"Burdz"_,** are the fairer gitz of the ork species. Where most orks, though genderless, have what humans would...

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Chapter 1: Dem Green Hoez Ovah D'ere!

It's the 41st millennium. There's bullshit. Lots. Nobody's got no damn common sense. Everywhere there's some **_fuck-_**** _shit_** getting started. Racist humans in power armor want to kill everybody for a dude too high on his lean while in his...

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Quinn's Ruin

**Quinn's Ruin** ** ** **_Blightbark, Hidden Outpost_** Quinn grimaced as he walked out of the Briefing Room. The newly graduated Scout was just told that he would be surveying Desolation...

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Meeting Starfox part 2: conclusion

Apparently in the seedier parts of the city some people believe that the ruinous powers from warhammer 40k and fantasy are real..." he blanched saying "i've read some of the books or seen of the game footages but that is just messed up.

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Chapter 3: BDSM Elfs From Space

It's the 41st millennium. Twitter fights and social media feuds were bad enough in the 21st century. But now? Look at what drama hath wrought. -\> Mold monsters turned white trash drive their space tractors into shit. -\> Terminator thinks he's in...

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Hi! My name is Chirpy!

You know that old phrase, a mirror holds a thousand secrets? No? It's something my mother always said, I guess I just figured everyone had the same mother or something... Regardless, I think she meant that a mirror only shows you a fraction of what is...

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