Brother In Law
We're brothers," tom explained. "brothers? really? not the weirdest thing i've heard all week." we both looked at each other, then back at the ox, who gave us a small smile before letting us go to the screen.
Brotherly Love
His brother's tail swished behind him. he liked this idea and raenn knew his brother well. there would be no convincing him otherwise now. the impostor had outplayed him.
But We're Brothers!
Both brothers laid there panting, basking in the rich afterglow of mind blowing sex with the two of them having goofy grins plastered on their muzzles. "that was really fun..." marcus mumbled and nuzzled his brother's head.
Brothers 2
I picked my little brother up to his feet he cried more as i dusted the mulch away from his face. i quail his sadness kissed him on the cheeks before hugging him close.
Allied Brothers
He was his best friend, his brother, but he thought it might have gone beyond that now.
Oh Brother
brother, who had his eyes closed and was softly moaning; which sounded quite cute to jayson. he cuddled his brother as he relaxed to get his breath and energy back.
Big Brother
"no, my brother. he's visiting for the weekend." mud turned off the machine, straightening the coffee table. "so when is he getting here?" "this afternoon." "so he's a neat freak?" "no, i don't want him to think i'm living with a pig."
Brother's Princess
Devon's a good big brother... even if he's been a very, very bad boy.
The Dolphin Brothers
, pierre asked his brother happily, slowly letting his tip move towards dolph's tailhole while he clinged to his brother like glue.
Bond of Brothers
Kristian interrupted his brother with a sharp elbow to the ribs.
Thug Brothers
He could not even hear his brother's chocked gasps now. tears and saliva began to soak into the dirt- and blood-stained hoody he wore. his brother's face was fixed in a pained grimace.
A Breaking of Brothers
Toby was always sensitive about his recent bodily development, the little black antler-buds now visible on his head, and in true brotherly fashion, rolf teased him to no end about it.