choose your own erotic Pokemon adventure 2

But you can't get off track you needed to get a certain 'package' for the professor, so heading to the nearest pokemart you walk inside and make a b-line straight for the clerk working there, brasa following closely behind and ask said clerk for the said '

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Nick and his pokemon

Soon arriving at brackish town pokemart he walked in and then ask " what kinder of pokemon do u guys want croconaw said " ahhhhh i want berry flavour pokefood charmeleon said "i want umm i don't know i will have the same as croconaw zorua did not say anything

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Chapter Fourteen - Stryder Back? No Way!

At the pokemart... rice was leading the colony, and he said we had to go to the pokemart and steal things to survive for the winter... well the humans came to stop us and one of them shot electra in the lower belly..." i said as i looked over at electra.

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New Beginnings Ch 3

He grabbed the bags with his stuff and ran out of the pokemart and right into another person, hard enough that they both bounced back and fell.

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Victini's Love chapter 21

"let's make a real quick pit stop at the pokemart." "okay," the victini smiled as she watched her mate shrug into a dark grey coat. "are you going to get your old coat repaired?"

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The Eevee Chronicles

As they left the pokemart, eevee thought back to when he first met eric. \*\*\*\*\*8\*\*\*\*\* it was a cool morning in the forest behind lake verity.

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A trainer's story [01]

I opened my pokedex and checked the map to find the way to the nearest pokemart.

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Mega Trainer Chapter 1 (X)

. +++ later that morning, after walking around town for a while, i went to the pokemart. i stepped up to the desk and asked "i need some pokeballs and camping gear." "well i can get you your gear, but balls are much more expensive and varied.

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A Trainer's Tale - Chapter 3: Road to Rustboro

Birch's generosity had run out right after his last stop at the pokemart, and although brandon and norman tried to give him some money for winning against treecko, but ian said it was just a friendly fight. then behind the trail he saw it: rustboro.

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Sera-Fina part 2

Hadyn searched for her looking all around town he check the pokepark, and the pokemart. hadyn checked everywhere.

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We were both in the pokemart. she felt the needed to pay for my potions and antidotes i was buying. i guess as a way to convince me to stay quiet. some how from there we ended up talking. the subject of her relationship with her pokemon eventually arose.

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