Chaos in the Caverns: Trixie vs Twilight

Trixie seemed at this point not to have even realized twilight's nonstop assault had ended and tried a driving full force straight that might have at least connected if twilight had been stone statuary, and several inches closer than she was now.

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Larger mammals obscured the coyote's vision as they passed, until finally he could see all the way to the shining golden statuary.

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Carnival of Sorrows

Floating through this gallery of living statuary is a raft of ice upon which stands a blond elf woman in a pair of high heeled thigh high black boots, taloned black gloves that stretch up to encompass half her upper arms, black leather bikini bottom, a black

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This and Vat

Keiko had never been here before so all the tiki masks, mugs and statuary are more that a little freaky to her but in a good way.

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Out of Touch

The leopard-tiger hybrid was with a rather shrewd looking wolf woman that was standing in front of some sort of statuary. "so how much is this one again?" the wolf asked.

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Working Hard part 3

"but i think you already know," nana said with a sage nod aimed at the statuary just to my left, but probably meant for me. "ah, shit." i liked mick. _like-liked_, as the pups would say.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter 153

'gnome' is relatively new and not a recognised name outside of garden statuary." conor chimed in.

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Road Trip

Harder to avoid are her ice golems who are disguised as statuary or made to look like simple snowmen. however neither fenrys nor gretta is a fool and after a few encounters, these too are easily overcome.

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A Hairy Problem

These pieces of statuary could not have been crafted by human hands. the detail involved was too incredible to think that was the case. the four statues appeared more to be living artwork frozen in the perfect pose.

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He Who Would Be Master: 9

._ so he turned his attention to the fountain, it soothing gurgle, and the lovely statuary of angels pouring water into it from spouts shaped like horns-of-plenty. "kaard," ames voice said quietly. "you've made it out." kaard didn't turn to look.

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