The Forgotten God (1/2)

They had gone to the tropical paradise in order to go deep diving for relics in a sunken pirate ship that had been recently discovered via satellite photography.

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An Afternoon Off

Arrd took a deep breaths, and let them out slow to ready himself for a deep dive. he wasn't the best swimmer in the tribe, but he could hold his own against most of the other coyotes, at least.

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Rotor's BInding Secrets (by LilJames)

It was an oddly sticky problem that took a half-hour of deep diving, and once he did manage to get back to regular mode, it slogged down horribly.

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Then everybody around him was taking a deep, diving breath. the girls ducked under to watch as the boys dove. achesha climbed up on the rock.

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Neoprene Dreams

My team and i were going to be testing a new type of deep diving suit, one supposedly so high tech it didn't require air tanks or a breathing mask.

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Thus Spoke the Horse Cock

I wanted to take a deep dive between them and find out how his asshole was like. it must be so fucking tight, because with the huge mantits his flabby torso sported i don't imagine this fat fag ever getting laid.

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In the Realm of the Snake King 2

The bust line was a deep, diving one, falling down between her breasts almost all the way to her belly button, but at the same time, it pushed her breasts up a bit, making them that much more noticeable.

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Treacherous Shoals Part 1

One big issue i've had was in convincing myself that the next chapter of relentless waves makes any damn sense at all as i take a deep dive into trying to encapsulate how a human would adapt to having an alien mind (you'll see what i mean in time!).

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The Sea Changes A Man

I'm about to hit the practice pool to learn how to deep dive when we reach our first destination, you want to come?" "nah, i'm still hanging out with toff," mark said. "if you're looking for finnian though he's just over... huh..."

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Yip Yap! Understanding Your Fellow Kobold

An entire chapter is absolutely necessary to explore the sexual needs of a kobold, a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of what a tiny, scaled creature truly desires in a partner--or master. so, let's begin.

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R/7 The Deep

Abysses; sudden deep dives in the cave, are sometimes 20', other times 1000'. regardless, the result of seeing one is the same. smooth walls are like glass, reflecting light like gemstones.

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Humping like Rabbits

About a second or two later, arthur finally released slade's hair, allowing the rabbit to finally dislodge from that cock with a loud and long gasp, as if he just came up to the surface from a deep dive, followed by lots of coughing as his lungs tried to catch

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