List of predators, races and settings

**uvuzi** and **nyoka** : fraternal twin 'skunkette lamias', they are the result of a one night stand between a female lamia ('snaketaur') and a skunkman. uvuzi is more humanoid than her sister, but they are both highly predatory and amoral.

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Patreon Reward - Family Ties

Of course, it was hard not to be close to someone when they were your fraternal twin, but they'd done everything together. played, gone to school, and even moved out together.

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Claude goes to an adult book store

They both scored on me, i have fraternal twins inside me. a big polar bear cub and a large walrus pup. i get positive huge bellied at 5 months, and i go back to the adult book store. the walrus owner snickers at me when i walk in. "is it mine?"

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Father Ninetales

His two children were fraternal twins, named renai and tem, with renai being the girl, and tem being the boy.

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normal. two

Furthermore, they looked very alike--fraternal twins, ice noted. "surprised, sweetie?" said the female softly, a smile on her face. "it was fun playing with you today." the male crossed his arms and smiled. "don't worry. we'll see you again."

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Leo's Life - Chapter 1

Alexander was a fraternal twin with their sister, alexis. alexis was sharing the other bedroom with their 17 year old sister named, kelly. it was a big family but, a well off family. their parents were very successful in their careers.

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Shared Spaces

They were fraternal twins and as such had graduated high school the same year with similar grades. both of them were now going to the same college studying for a degree in business.

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Thin Walls and Close Quarters

They were fraternal twins; both had the same slender build and tan fur over their equine bodies, a white diamond on their foreheads. other than the more obvious male and female parts, their major difference was their hair.

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Angelo and Claude 2

"he is, he's dad's son, in fact he's our oldest brother, jeb's my fraternal twin, and looks nothing like me, but rory looks like our maternal grandfather." i say. "dr walter warren, my grandpa is a sexy 60 year old polar bear physicist" i say.

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Library of Lost Lore

About a century from the time of the encounter fraternal twins will be born to each who will grow up to become scions of their kind, and the fact that they will be wolves should surprise no one.

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Track and Field: Part 7

I never really knew how to handle that, but i always just told myself they'd meant fraternal twins and not identical even though i knew that to be false.

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