Holding onto the past

Disclaimer I do not own pokemon they are property of gamnefreak and Nintendo Authors note I wrote this in about 3 hours This one is a bit more personal to me. I hope many can see where I am coming from with this short story. Editor Cedricdream A...

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How to Hold Infinity

How To Hold Infinity After a long absence full of happy moments, my big brother came back home to his family of tigers. We were shocked to have him back really, because he was doing so well. He had a job, a car that he apparently stuffed his large...

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Beyond the Hold: Prologue

_"The moons choose and the sea decides..."_ With these words, a pup's eyes slowly opened again, filled with wonder and curiosity. She had only been half-asleep to begin with, caressed by the sounds of gentle churrrs from her mother and the soft beat...

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To Hold On To Pt 4

It was like she was breathing warm comfort up into his body, and his legs slowly drew together, hugging her head, holding it nice and snug as his hips gave weak little rolls and pushes down into that wonderful, steamy whirlpool.

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Stop Holding Back

**"You ain't gonna make it far without your fullest..."** * * * Another day...another weekend...another shit week of school...another round of scolding from teachers and parents...well, parent...and finally another jab at my hide for being...

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To Hold On To Pt 1

One big paw clutched at her skirt just beside him, holding it in place in a huge wad, but that lump... it looked like it was running right up... and under her sweater!

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Chapter 45 Holding On

But it occurred to etienne that asres was on a short leash that feven appeared to be holding. it quickly became apparent that asres wasn't only afraid of displeasing his parents - he was afraid of displeasing feven as well.

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Hold My Beer

Rob looked on as the panther grabbed the panda's hips. He watched, not sure how he felt at first. It was odd to watch the younger male kissing his girlfriend's neck. It was worse to see her gasp when his hand went into her panties. She was smaller than...

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Hypnotic Hold (Vignette)

?Judith and Smile had had a wonderful day out on the town. The possum and skunk were great friends, and they enjoyed the time they spent together and with a few others once they returned home. But, with Judith dropping quite a bit of teasing affection...

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To Hold On To Pt 5

And i kept getting delayed posting it, i like to put up stories at peak time to try and get lots of exposure if i can, and i've already missed that window again xp but i don't want to hold it back any longer!

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Can't Hold Us

Another growl left the large one but it was interrupted when a nozzle was shoved into his lips, forcing him to hold it there as jinx studied it.

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Dragons and Humans: A comfy night OR Changes 1.5

She took her agile tail and pressed together with her hand hardly on her vent, trying to hold it shut.

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