SWAT Kats: Vampire Stalker, Ch 5-8

Fifth, my jet fighters and choppers will also be on watch for any vampires. for their capture, only t-bone will handle it with felina as weapon's officer. he has the weapons we hope will confine them. he will haul them here.


Lost Flight

"i always loved older jet fighters. i love how they look." he glances at the f-4 like a guy would look at a sexy woman. "i love how they feel."

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It might not have the sleek, deadly design of a jet fighter, but the old ship had a certain regal splendor, an elegance to it that seemed almost anachronistic.

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Remember the Oath 17 - Farewell to Kanto

Muscle had her arms out and ready like a charging wrestler, while shin came shrieking through like a jet fighter with wings outstretched. both of them slashed through each other, razor-sharp wing versus crushing knife-hand strikes.

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Ryan' Story Part XIX

"i can't see a dragon taking out a tank or a jet fighter!" "tanks are easy. you just boil or poison the occupants or flip the thing over. aircraft are more difficult, but it is doable.

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Meeting starfox part 1

To anyone else it would be a bizarre sight seeing him argue with a red colored b2 bomber shaped jet fighter. however to anyone who has studied common wealth history they would know that he was talking to a bydo craft.

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Rakurá Chronicles - Trials and Lust

The wasps-""jet fighters.""and the birds-""helicopters."qyr snarled and swiped away at the menace. "you are infuriating.""i'm just explaining the basics!" redundant complained.she nodded her head, subduing her irritation. "proceed.""

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The time traveller Chapter 4 - Fearing

Everybody near them was looking upwards, seeing three typhoon jet-fighters making tight turns, trying to get behind two other fighter-jets, which just ejected two rows of flares. \<\< what in gods name...?

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How High the Moon, Part 2

The element of jet fighters, the newest republic aviation had to offer, found her first. one of them settled on each wing, barely exerting themselves to match speed with the xa-3, itself at nearly full throttle.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 35: Glacial - Argolis's miracle

The new room was much smaller, but still large enough to hold a jet fighter and the maintenance team at work... and the roof had its own huge hole, straight above another large hole in the floor, this one a regular rectangle: it was the lift's shaft

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10 - ATOI&F - And Then There Was Silence...

It seemed insignificant enough, but hundreds of jet fighters scrambled to try to shoot it down, breaking into dogfights with the needle craft.

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