Blood on Ice - Chapter Nine

The ache from the previous day of walking with the caravan of refugees had returned, but i was grateful it was not as painful as it was last time he had lied down to rest. midnight crawled in next to me underneath the tent and lied down.

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"i knew how i was staring to feel about you, recognized the same complacency that made you want to lie down and rest was overwhelming me, too. this is strange for me, too.

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Night of the Feline

He removed his headress, revealing the small metal plate on his back head, as he lied down on his bed. "why do these things always happen to evil geniuses?"

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The Last Night Together (or is it)

I could see mike watching the news for the weather as he lies down on the bed without a shirt again but he was under the blanket.

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The beach bully's best friends

"well then lie down and get comfortable." the shark proceeded to do as he was told. aware of what was in store for him, he lied down in the hot sand and let himself relax as the other two lied down next to him.

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Kion's First Times

How about you lie down for your first lesson?" "o-ok." kion does what the meerkat asks and lies down on the grass. "no, no. the other side." kion rolls on the grass to lie on his back, paws in the air.

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NM #9 ~ Go to Bed Mister

He knew he should lie down to sleep. there was nothing stopping him, technically, but his body just wouldn't do it. wouldn't cooperate. so he sat, staring. clicking.

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The Sacred Bond of Friendship

''okay then, lie down on the bed on your back." riolu instructed. chimchar did as he was instructed and lied down on his back. riolu got into the reverse facesitting position and sat down on his friend's face.

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The End: Chapter 4

Finally, after i was able to shake myself free from my trance, and free from the thousands of thoughts that clashed inside of my mind, i was able to lie down for the night.

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A Tale of Two Lovers Chapter 2

"i just want to go home and sleep" nikkei said while lying down on the ground. then jamie walked over and waved hello.

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Redwall: Celandine's Dream Come True

Brome sighed, lying down on his sleeping bag. "me too." felldoh said, lying down next to him and closing his eyes, "i could just fall asleep right now." "goodnight, felldoh." "'night, brome."

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