The Plight of Courage (title work in progress) Chapter 1: Mating Season

She remembered when her mother comforted her when her sister left her out of a game or made her do something bad. _"you are who you make yourself to be.

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13- The Recovery Room Confession

Iaora took a seat next to syrra, saying nothing for a moment as she ran a paw through the jedi's blonde hair, like a mother comforting their child. "jurah informed us that you passed out en route to ekibo, and were close to death from blood loss.

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Prey for Me - The Hollow Silence, part 6

She smelled warm stew and cornbread waiting for her on the hot stove, and the snow felt like a mother's comforting embrace. she could see them now; mother was smiling again and dad played the fiddle.

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Dissidence Is What We Do

She crooned like a mother comforting a child. noticing her, envoy quickly jumped up with a clack of his hooves on the stone floor. he made a fuss of the water streaking his face as he turned away snivelling. "nothing. it's nothing, mistress."

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knot so different

His mother comforted him telling him that he was probably just a late bloomer. but as time went on and the taunts got worse she finally sat him down and with a great sadness began to explain why the others looked down on him.

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Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 16

I felt her will slam into me as my body became awash with comfort, a long ancient sensation of a now faceless mother comforting me as a lamb, a being that wouldn't even be dust by today, yet there they were. "have faith, my daughter.

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Where The Heart Is - Prologue - Falling to Pieces

The last thing he remembered was his mother comforting him over the blow he'd been so recently dealt.

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Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 22

Tenderly, she cradled him to her chest, one arm under him to support his weight as the other continued to motherly comfort him like an infant. "o my dear precious, i could never lie to you." then she softly chuckled as she carried him back to her throne.

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MFMshorts (4)

His mother comforted him and explained, how the boy was saved in the end, by a reformed ebenezer scrooge, who had seen the grim future his greed would lead too, and who decided to prevent it.

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 43

She kept whispering soothing words, almost automatically, like a mother comforting a hurt and frightened child. kiana looked down at her father's blade, stolen from his bedside table in the dead of night.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 43

She kept whispering soothing words, almost automatically, like a mother comforting a hurt and frightened child. kiana looked down at her father's blade, stolen from his bedside table in the dead of night.

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