Suki's Connections chapter 10

Anna asked "i have briefed the guys on your request and as you can see by their half mast standing they like the idea of spit roasting you completely.

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Meeting with the Principal

Marcus stormed into the office, a scowl on his face. The receptionist yipped and caught his angered attention. "I'm here to talk to the principal. My dumbass son got in serious trouble. Now point me in the right direction." Marcus growled. The young...

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The Depraved Gamble - The Two Statues

The arctic wolf was dressed in a fine, silver suit that matched his white silky fur as he reclined in one of the velvet seats in the grand lobby. He was dressed in his best; after all, who would journey halfway across the intergalactic empire only to...

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A New Year's Cleansing

"Mr Parkhurst, I appreciate you filling in an application and coming down for an interview. However, I am not sure that this job is for you," Richard Parkhurst took a deep breath as he heard his interviewer open with that. The panda had expected this...

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A Tale of Two Urshifu (Cis Version)

It's strange how you can feel hot and cold at the same time while sweating. Was that just an oncoming heat stroke? Maybe so. The high sun was bearing down ruthlessly on them as they continued to run across the beach,...

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Tales in Taboo: The Cave

spit roasted, you let her legs and hands go. she immediately tries to push your maw away from her as she plants her hooves on your hips in an effort to remove you from her anus, but you find it easy to overpower her.

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Two Elves for the Price of One

Harry found himself being spit-roasted by the two small elves for the first time since his time in the kitchens.

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Pleasure Shack (Story Commission For Tarke)

Tarke gazed out of the window of the taxi cab as it drove swiftly down the two lane, back-road. The rolling hills of pasture they sped by were dotted with cows for the most part, but occasionally, the bull-tiger saw a few horses. Horses were the reason...

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Bottomless Bar: Chapter 2 (Patreon Premium)

The week had been chaos, to say the least. At the notice that the Bottomless Bar was looking for new hires there came an absolute flood of resumes. A majority of them came from those that were regulars at the bar, and even when a large amount of them...

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Bottomless Bar: Chapter 2 (Patreon Premium)

The week had been chaos, to say the least. At the notice that the Bottomless Bar was looking for new hires there came an absolute flood of resumes. A majority of them came from those that were regulars at the bar, and even when a large amount of them...

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Your Lips Are Sealed (No Watersports)

The sun had set long ago, giving way to the darkness of the night. Yet this didn't seem to be a concern to the crowds as they streamed in and out of the modern-looking building. Brightly-coloured spotlights were waving across its curved walls, twisting...

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