Addicted to Andy's Ass

There were horses and even a few orcas around, and some rabbits as well. rabbits...tom shook his head a few times, increasing his pace as he hurried down the sidewalk.

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[Commission] Too old

Yet, here they were. mare took a long look at her brother, scratching her chin in thought. what was she going to do with him? there were many possibilities, many ways that they could play this out. "take off your pants."

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A Cold Winter's Night

Ork and okratan were horse-breeders and big ocul turned out to be a quartermaster of the orc army of mount ritdent.

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Chapter 2 - Things To Discuss

They were in another battle and were horsing around up at outskirt stand, they're pretty tired." yuki nods. "yes, and it's getting to sunset as well, we could take our own leave. lord knows i need it..." "mmm hmm...

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After School Training (Request for Zeeme)

Matt gasped and clinched at the sudden intrusion, though the pre leaking from the stallion provided more than enough lube to allow the wrestler were-horse to continue, pushing in slowly.

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Journey back to the Anthrosavroi: The Amazons

Said alexander running towards, what he thought were horses? nay, though, they were giant lizards. "blimey. what are those things?" "our riding lizards," said the crone.

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There were horse cocks, human cock, dog, lion, bull, whale, even some alien looking ones. a fourth alien began pushing buttons on the breeding stock. the stock began moving, spreading henry's legs wide.

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Be Were

(f tf (were)wolf, m tf (were)stallion) rosemary valentine or simply rose as she proffered, dove through the woods with her heart pounding even faster than her feet.

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Deliverance - Fate of the Herd Chapter I

All i could see were stallions, a warband of what would become my herd, the white arrows. i remembered one, a big stallion with coal black curly mane and chestnut fur, his look of compassion and sadness one i instinctively responded to.

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Roundabout Story Project Part 3

"if wishes were horses, papa bear. god, you're cute when you're stupid." "you are thinking of my offer?" he said hopefully. "maybe."

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Spank Puppy

Possibly the only lovers more copiously messy than dogs were horses, and janice had known damn well what she was getting into, inviting andy to come all over her.

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