The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 10

The white stag finally said as she looked around at those gathered, "he has tended our graves long enough. let him live among the living."

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My Sword, My Clan 11 - My Mutual Oath

One day, he attacked us without warning in the night, killed the great white stag and forced us to either join him...or be killed alongside him.

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Chapter 14: The One He Smiles For

Or if you're really hungry, sin farr'el has white deer." "sin farr'el?" tala repeated. "another city just south of here. also overgrown by trees, if you hadn't guessed." iko looked at aayan. "we should find shelter soon.

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Food Court Flirtings

Gone was the white deer fur keith loved to brush. both weighty mammaries and his chest had shed it off for a rough, cracked grey skin. pop! speaking of weights, keith felt like his head suddenly got a lot lighter.

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A Thief's Trials: Life and Death

She never turned to stare at tenja, instead her steps were measured forward as if the white stag were all that existed in her mind. the dryad hesitated, her heart beating fast as the pair of them walked down the path away from her.

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"i needed some time away from dominic vanlyone and the white stag." i irked. if shane was leaving the territory, then dominic must've been in something deep again. "well, we won't dwell on that, shane.

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Adder and Vixen

She took a risk and slithered her way closer to the entrance of the well-formed den, older than its current inhabitants she guessed when they just moved right on in on the day of their arrival in white deer park. "hello?"

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Refinding King Lion (Second Eternity - Eps 14)

The white stag released me from his service about a month ago, when he had a vision that i was going to die permanently! i am no longer the agent of the white stag! nor am i the cardinal voice! and if i am not dominic vanlyone... then who am i?

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Chapter 15: Adorable Denial

The next day, they passed out of elsilf hin and into sin farr'el, and tala was astonished by the beauty of the white deer there. the creatures bounced lightly through the pressing trees and underbrush, and they were all glowing, even the fauns.

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I Shot an Arrow

white deer." he nodded slowly. "you too have been blessed by a strong spirit." "it's how i was found."

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The white stag mall, on the northern side of whitetail bluffs, wasn't far away from basking rock. the mall, which boasted a large, glorious mural of a white stag trotting through the forest, was actually a bit run down these days.

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Passion - Chapter Three

A large white stag, armmed with a rather brutal looking club, opened the cell door to admit another rat that followed obiediantly in his wake. she was much older than sean and murdoch, but she had an innocence about her.

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