Story Break-Patch Notes and Lore Part

-ama (american magical affairs) essentially fbi and airforce tied together with magic. -red paws (royal enforcement and defense police services), the mincridarn secret service.


Slick Run, Ep. 4

You look like someone who should have been in the army, but you got the brazenness of the airforce. your hair gives it away. tell me about your father, fox." "i hated my dad." dice smirked, setting the guitar down in his lap.

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Burning Heavens PT3

She leads the airforce well; but she has an extreme dislike for the other branches. always trying to get close to the admiral, the bitch.' 'you think she did this...?' i asked.

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Dexter and Miles: Wild Force 2 - 2022

"you inspired my sister to join the airforce, and she's found her purpose." miles nodded, grabbing the paper handles and letting it rest by his side. "i'm glad. sounds like a great pilot."

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Chapter 5: The Queen

"the airforce, that's who," he stated as he stood up from his seat on the rock, brushing the snow from his backside before turning his gaze towards the south, though there was nothing but rock wall in that direction as far as he could see.

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Red the hunter: part 1 heart break

Chocolat and red froze in horror and evan shook his head and answered "it was a choice not taken lightly and the army and airforce did not like it one bit. it was either drop them or let it continue on much worse destruction.

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Eudaemon III: Rebirth / Act V, Part 1

The dragokkaren was also able to give estimates from manifest logs he'd found about how large narrius's airforce was, but he also noted that it likely didn't matter, anyway.

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Attitude Adjustment

I had told my lover, a kind but limited cat in the airforce with no interest in kids, that i wanted to look at adopting a kid, and the rift that tore in our relationship forced the last retreat, the one that led me here, out of the navy, and into sydney.

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George And The Dragon Warrior

"you can't take on the entire army and airforce," george counters. "remember george i can jam any and all radio with in 200 miles of me so i will be able send commands to those forces as well as take control of any armor unit also."

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A New World Part 1

"this is the british royal airforce. what is the problem?" i heard a jet pilot speaking over the radio. w-we got a response! w-we're going to be okay!!! a smile appeared on my face since this all began. "this is alexander!

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The time traveller:Ch. 3 - Exploring and learning

In the end the canadian airforce had to bomb over one hundred square-kilometers with napalm to get rid of that pest. it was not like he was totally against gmo's, his wife for example relied on insulin, produced by genetic manipulated germs.

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