Paralyzed with Fear (Edited)

This short story is based on a real dream that I have experienced. Some things may be exaggerated slightly to make things seem more interesting. Enjoy...

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Tight Fit (edit)

edited, seven years later, but i think this worked out a bit better. approximately 14% more sexual content. i'll let you decide which one is your favourite.

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Submission_id=298421) - [edit story]( - [edit rating](

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Blog Posts

edit 2: did a google search on the website. no hits. peculiar. the website exists, but it doesn't. it's the stanley parable all over again! d: edit 3: i was delighted to see that there is a search members function on here.

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Personal Trainer (CTF Edition)

A fox had made it his goal for the new year to go to the gym everyday and while it wasn't the first time he had tried to make that his goal, this time he was dedicated. He even got a membership at a gym that included a personal trainer to help out...

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Hypnolizards : Extreme Dinosaurs Edition

If you would like one of your characters to meet a hypnolizard, check my commission info, featured on my page hypnolizards - extreme dinosaurs edition!

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Untameable Hunger (Endo Edition)

When you reached adulthood you were excited to finally start your journey out into the world beyond the city walls. Despite knowing just how dangerous pokemon could be, you felt like they weren't as bad as they said. After all, the liepard in your...

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Alpha to Bitch | Complete Edition

Alpha to bitch complete edition ## part 1 the first thing the wolf noticed when he came to were the restraints on his wrists and his legs.

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Stress And A Mess (Special Edition)

Today was one of the most memorable days of my life. A little bit of everything happened to me and I felt a little bit of every emotion. It isn't new for anyone that I always carry a diaper. My health problem forces me to use it, as I cannot control my...

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Tokyo Tension - Radio Edit

"Ohayo gozaimasu!" The two raccoons behind the front desk bowed in unison. Rick ducked his head as he stepped up to the desk and set his bag down. It was chest-height for the clerks, but as a six-foot-tall wolf, he felt like he was looming. "Uh, thank...

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