Reptilia Squad - First Chapter

They annoyed her frequently, especially by menacing lancelot. they menaced to poison the lizard, when they did not menace to electrocute it with shock weapons. they're still dead.

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The Old Red Hen and the Big Bad Fox chapter 1: come on in...

The hungry fox's smile fell slightly, and he bit the end off the bread, chewing it menacingly.

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Heat's Burden chapter 1: The Nightfuries and the Tyrant

The nadder flared her spikes, shifted her wings, and tapped her claws menacingly at flamewing, well aware that even a yelp could get her exiled from the colony.

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The Love of the Alpha

Said one of them in a menacing voice. "looks like we got a spy" answered the other in an equally menacing voice.

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When Rabbits Roar (part 1/5)

His hazel eyes narrowed menacingly, projecting pure hostility. "go home, little bunny," max said with disdain "and never come back. you don't belong here."

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Draconic Discipline: The Burden of Failure

With a menacing roar, velgaros lunged, the entirety of his menacing bulk smashing into makaidos like a tempestuous wave.

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omitted scenes; A cinder of power, first love.

"you have annoyed my plans for some time, little purple dragon" she spoke menacingly. "for such a small dragon, to have such a big impact, you impress me". spyro tried to stand up but winced again and collapsed on his belly again.

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Great Cause, Greater Pain

The trio turn around to look at the balance beam... suddenly it has a much more menacing aura to it. all 3 of them gulp. harry's hands slowly drift to cover his crotch. "hehehe. sounds like fun."

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He just about pulled out of his shorts, fingers digging into the hard packed soil, body trying futility to outrun the menace.. that wasn't really doing much but gripping him. and tasting his shirt.

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Master's Favorite

With those words, the wolf reached towards his belt with his free hand, pulling from it a nightstick and lifting it over his head menacingly.

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Chapter 10 - The King's Rage

He whispered menacingly into the wolf's ear. "i'm sorry sir, i will head to r and d to figure something else out," spectre muffled out. "see that you do..." "daddy?" came a calm cold voice from the doorway of the office.

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