Mutual agreement

"giving myself completely to a pervy old man, and get some good sex from it, with the only condition being that i am made to forget about it temporarily? damn sure i am," carl claimed. "when?" cheng asked simply.

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Itchy Sweater Sex

"pervy husky" she said with a chuckle. he just stuck out his tongue as he put his arms into the sleeves, but having to arms in each meant they couldn't bend, so they were stuck in a very awkward position.

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Sweet As Candy

They located an opening in the bush and being as pervy as they were, they started watching with intrigued interest.

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Salt Lick

Clearly in sight of pervy bert the beagle, who still had his pants unzipped and a stumpy boner sticking out of his fly.

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Teaching the Rabbit Part 2

"do these belong on a little girl, you pervy old man?" antoine, not one to lose on the fields of battle or love, takes it in stride. he moves his hands up along her sides, and then up underneath her breasts.

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Meeting a Pornstar from Heaven

Both the pervy and not pervy kind. every season the school holds a seasonal ball corresponding to it, and this is going to be the season end ball for summer. knowing my friend here he is not going with anybody.

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A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 7

"damn, pervy bird's got some hands on him," teej effused, pulling me back to reality. guess 'pervy bird' is my nickname now. another time and place and i might've been offended, but i was having too much fun to care.

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Ra'lys vs Cynwrig 1

T: usually, when being hero, he break through anything, but... he also big pervy boy, so he might enjoy it and lose on purpose. tik tik have no knowing what will happen. h: and we have no knowledge of if what we are seeing is the actual truth or not.

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Truc's Journal, Entry 1

So i'm reincarnated every time with all my memories, which is probably why you all get to enjoy these pervy tales, and society's going to get some centuries of help if i can manage it.

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Princess and the Dragon 10

She took his head in her arms and looked into his eyes "i mean... it's not okay, you pervy pervy dragon!" she teased him, but in a tone that was obviously not serious. "i am royalty, you need to ask me for permission to do that!"

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A Good Joke

"quit making my tail fondle your kitten stuff, ya pervy nerd." melissa grabbed the last book and straightened up again, her tail dropping back down. she took her backpack off the hook, and crammed all her textbooks into it before turning around.

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In the Bunkbed

Oh,'re such a pervy, pervy dog." relight frowned at that. "alex. alex...think i heard that name before," he looked at aurelius. "you know any alex around?" "dude, i'm a bartender. i know hundreds of alexes, georges, jameses and all that.

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