Whiskey Heaves

"next time you get pissy about how much your favorite band sucks, try to pick a contest you can actually win. i'm gonna guess you're good at sucking cocks."

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That Makes Us...

It was a ritual that farley knew well enough, and he wasn't going to get pissy about it. the saint bernard was a sophomore and he had to pay his dues amongst the older guys. truth be told, the tall, rugged halfback kind of wanted to be alone right now.

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Janet the skunk in handicapability

, asked jack pissy. "well he has more money, and he is accepted in mit. so guess what i prefer.", said janet giggling. "god... you really are unashamed of the bad in you.", said jack getting showered off.

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Kris's First Time

As soon as sabrina finished pulling kris out of her jeans, leaving her completely undressed, she took off her pissy white panties, which she had still been wearing this whole time.

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Sand Ratz; Tankers of the lost brigade

Someone found pissy for us, and sent me a calling-card. some real sicko fuckers out here.

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It's a... Date?

Here he'd thought that the cat was just being pissy because he raised his voice, but it sounded more like he was hurt. _real nice, ripper, you dumb fuck_.

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Monte and Me - Days 1 and 2

"well next time you're going g to get pissy just let me know first." "i'm always pissy when it comes to you adam." "well fine then i'll just go back to my bubble then." uggh... adam's bubble.

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Doctor 2

"don't get pissy. i'm the one that should be pissy. you the rapist on this bus!" he hooked a paw behind my leg and threw it from the couch, forcing me to sit up so that he could sit next to me.

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Spring Break - Part 6

Don't get so pissy, you little brat." "whatever," said jeremy before sticking his tongue out at jeff. "i'll give you something to occupy that tongue of yours," said jeff, pointing down at his crotch. "that'll stop you from talking too."

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Swim Meet : Issue 007

"how can i forget if you keep acting so pissy?" roan grumbled, immediately regretting his choice of the final word. "pissy?" the horse stopped and glared at roan. "pissy? well, mr perfect.

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Roxy & Chica try Diapers | Chapter 2

"you little pissy pants. i'll change you after dinner." "what! after dinner? but-" "don't complain, you'll be fine." "but rox, i-" "dinner!" roxy called out.

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