No Pants, Only Masks

Jak swung his arm back to gain momentum and tossed the ping-pong ball with all his might. it bounced all over the place. it grazed the edge of several jars but bounced away before it could plunk into them.

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The Wasted Youth, Chapter 2 - A Night in the Heights

A restless crowd has gathered in a large circle around the long, rectangular beer pong table.

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Riku's Revelation : Prologue

"uh...yeah.i was kinda the life of the the beer pong,drinking contests,and multiple other mischevious activities,i was popular around the guys...hehe,and i was an a+ student!not to brag but,all the professors said i was amazing."

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Through The Eyes of Insanity, Chapter Two: More Memoirs of a Madman

I finish, and button up my pants (no zippers, go figure) i am walked back to my cell, to wait until the days "play time" when they let the inmates run about in a large room with a couch, two ping-pong tables, afew books, and games such as connect four

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One of Us - Prologue

As they joined asher and seb, the two men were just starting a beer pong game. seb had put on the toque on his head and a plaid jacket on top of his now naked chest.

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Working Hard book 2 part 1

Kate was already shouting something about beer-pong and running toward the two storey house that was the focal point of all this anarchy. "'ey, imma hit the basement.

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Oh the New Places pt 1 and 2

I decide i want to leave, but i can see that lee and eric are in a game of pong while ron is chatting to a bunch of furs. i decide to just head out without them.

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Uncomfortably Happy [11]

It wasn't long before he found the wolf dancing with his beer pong partner. the dog he had picked up looked completely wasted, but that didn't seem to stop mark from enjoying himself. "never expected this kind of music out of terry."

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The Morning After

The last thing i remember is playing beer pong with a small group of friends. i must have played a few to many games. slowly opening my eyes i gaze over to see the husky lying next to me. looking down the curves of his perfectly sculpted body.

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Happy Valentine's

His ping-pong bat balls slapped against the soggy sack mako ones, like a meteor falling on a plastic bag.

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05. The Scoop

All of them snapped to attention in more ways than one as i pointed at eric, then the ping pong table. eric whimpered and started toward the table, he leaned over and put his hands on it, exposing his ass quite readily.

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#31 - Up a Creek

You're like an epileptic ping pong ball. all that bouncing back and forth is making me nauseous." **imperial assistant neal:**"i can't help it! we're up for trial in less than an hour for all sorts of horrid things!" **romari:**"it can't be that bad.

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