Shade vs Rinji: The Immortal Showdown - Part I

Me pyro. pyro me! me likey pyro! pyro likey me! yaaaaay!" he once again returned to his radiant expression of cheerfulness, "what daddy? likey mommy. mommy nice. mommy likey me. mommy home. home there!"

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Adventures with Sofi - 7/10

pyro get the fuck out of sofi!" "never!" pyro groaned, his feet being wrapped into the muscles of the dragon's throat as it was still tugging and pulling at him.

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Seeking Answers

Mira let out a pitiful wine and dug deeper into my hair as i turned to release pyro. obviously she didn't want to fight at all, so pyro would have to face this by himself.

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Big Changes Part 4

"i wouldn't have it any other way" crystal agreed, straddling pyros' lap. pyros eyed crystal's lower endowments. "one more question. you are a hermaphrodite, correct?"

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pyromancer series proluge

"enough pyro you won" said the lion (im pyro a black lion with blood red eyes. i was wearing a white kimono with the picture of a cherry bomb on the back.

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The Arrangement (Part 1)

"pyro...pyro, where are you?!!", the female vulpix called out as the flareon immediately stopped what he was doing and ran towards his sister.

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2.2 - Nose of Truth

#10 of luminous - relaunch the crew must stop wasps from taking over the ship, with pyro's help.

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TSB chapter 7

pyro asked, "is there anyway we can thank you?" "well there is one....." finala said trailing off. * * * i am such a tease * * * lol, have the dragons pyro and cinder gotten in over their heads? will opite ever trust them?

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Love and Pain chapter 5

pyro snarled but he knew better than to challenge venus. venus was a taller than athena was but shorter than pyro and stronger than both of them were.

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