A Spooky Halloween

"stranger" chirped zoey "no zoey this is sergeant alan quartermane, he is here along with his twin brothers who you have already met." desmond said motioning to the two younger polar bears who were being dragged in by their older brother.

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A Neglectful Nightmare

"goodnight sweet cunt" the equine growled as he tightened his grasp, zoey soon giving up as she realized there would be no sense in further resistance.

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zoey felt it too, and got it herself as well; that much i could hear on her, and feel in her body.

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Proving you wrong

''hey, zoey'' she said, stopping my thoughts ''i'm sorry for kissing you earlier... it was...

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A Taste of Something Else ~ Chapter 16

Was that zoey? harley had noticed, too, and had slowed to a stop alongside me. "someone calling for you?"

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In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Friday: Terror to the Max - The Fifth Afternoon

zoey rolled her eyes. "well, it's a good thing you're not my type." the otter joked, adjusting the glasses on his little snout. "i'm sorry, who are you again?" zoey snarked.

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In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Thursday: Scents of the Past - Morning

"zoey!" he gasped, his flight or fight response still surging through his veins. zoey javan was the adorable minx of a mongoose that lived literally within the walls of murana's apartment.

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The Sleepover

Several minutes later a toddler aged jericho and zoey came back down the stairs. zoey was wearing her favorite mint colored footed pajamas. jericho on the other hands was wearing only a grey t-shirt and a diaper.

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In Darkness I Hide: A Zootopia Story - Tuesday: A Darker Forecast - Morning

She landed mere feet away from zoey, who had an odd look of both surprise and disappointment. "zoey?" murana exhaled, withdrawing her claws. "i thought you had already left!" "and i thought my best friend wasn't the dark flame wolf!"

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Miss Nightfang's School for Wayward Youths: Keith's Story - Chapter 1

zoey smirks with a chuckle. 'the quiet side at the very least.' keith replies in text and then types out his room number for the girl. zoey nods and takes note of the room number. "so, then should i pick you up at midnight?

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