Vulpine Retribution

That his best hope was a fox was a cruel irony of destiny, but more than ever, theo was willing to go to any length if it meant getting rid of alistair.

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Echo - Road 65 ( 1/2 )

cruel irony. echo had over 8,000 residents in its heyday when phoenix had over five times fewer. but it was the latter that was chosen to become the capital when the territory became a state.

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Ashen Fingers

There was a cruel irony in it all. tom was by all appearances on the outside, a simple man, with simple dreams. but alvara had seen the inner workings of his head as well, when he linked up with her.

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Human Bitches Chapter Six: Cold Beds and Warm

Add in the cruel irony that spike's side job, as a trainer and breeder, involved him frequently giving children to other females, children that girl would often never even get to see, and it was enough to wrench anyone's heartstrings.

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Battle for Hadleigh Chapter 5: Evacuation

That gyarados may be a threat but in a cruel irony, he's the only reason we aren't going up in smoke this very second!"

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The Dovahkiin's Lair: AE Version

There was some sort of cruel irony to the situation, when a man that was powerful enough to slay dozens of dragons, even alduin, was stuttering at this one. "just... mindok do graagmaarkest... like that one other argonian."

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A Sinister Deal

And now, in some cruel irony, he was the one who had condemned him to the exact same fate... "i see our young prince is beginning to understand. good...", rodrigo grinned, turning his gaze to randall.

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The Commission Zone: Adoption, Not Just For Kids

She mumbled, reveling in the cruel irony of it all, and watching her own puddle merge with another one on the floor that she'd missed in her rush.

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Commission: Lost Treasure

cruel irony, the way of gaia." "no way...the...gods are real?!" "of course we are. or at least some of us are. there are of course entire fictions invented by mortal minds...rather ludicrous ones, some of them.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 13 - The darkest hour of Kesteven - The revelations

Riaku laughed, shaking his head, before look down with a sneer of cruel irony and roll his shoulders, showing his new, improved and grown muscles. "you don't think i'm afraid of you, do you...? what an error, wyvern.

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The legend of a warrior; chapter 2 - Become the alpha male

He said with cruel irony, licking his lips in dark anticipation of pleasure and power and domination. "for now i can only give you a better sight..."

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The Missing Motive

"it's the cruel irony of this world. the good men are taken from us too soon, and the world is left in the hands of idiots and cripples like myself." "there are never enough good men in the world," the fox said with a nod.

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