Quetza's Quest: Chapter 2 and 3

Quetza continued on his merry way, devouring more and more of the jell-o monster, his gut increasing in size, pushing past what bobby's was when quetza began his feeding frenzy.

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Allie At Work Scene (Punch The C(l)ock)

Allie stared in amazement at the feeding frenzy. surely this guy wasn't all that attractive? he looked like a complete dweeb. jennis towed her firmly into the area, right next to the fellow, and stepped behind allie, still holding her arm.

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Prologue+Chapters 1 and 2

Every werewolf was joining the feeding frenzy, and being a special night as it was the best dishes possible on a school were being served.

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Light of the Gods Below

Most of them dove immediately for the pool as others rose from its depths to cover her body in a feeding frenzy. get in the pool, get in! he thought from hiding. he was counting on the matriarch bathing so he could check her satchel for the glass.

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The Games We Play

He just couldn't get close enough to reach them though, so with a heavy heart and a light whine, his feeding frenzy trickled to a halt.

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streetwolf cronicals chapter 1

After a walk threw what appeared to be a feeding frenzy of sorts he found himself in the employee lounge. taking time to check for any infected or survivors apon finding no one or thing he began walking down the hall an up to administrators office.

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Flora: Weeds in the Grove

With their feeding frenzy focused on the berries, onion was the first of the pair to note, "say...chive, these are juicy and all, but how about we sample from the fruits!"

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Temptation 08 - Progress

When he slowed his feeding frenzy enough to look around for something to drink, i placed the little measuring cup from a bottle of cough medicine i'd filled with orange juice down beside him and he happily threw himself at it.

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PP4 - River & Hugh

He had no reason to think that he, himself, would be on the menu, but he had heard from others that he worked with that charnco events all too often turned into a feeding frenzy that would mortify a shark.

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The Hungry Visitor

He was so caught up in his feeding frenzy that he almost didn't notice that some of the testicles he snatched came from copulating couples--in fact, he moved so fast and with such skillful agility that his tongue struck between the legs of a leopard who was

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Of Raptors and Reindeer Pt 1

Lying on a roof directly above a feeding frenzy isn't wise." this raptor was intelligent, and i was all the more scared for this. i looked over to landon's position. "get out of there mate, we don't want to see you on the menu."

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