Dimensional Balance Chapter 17: Scars of Betrayal

I failed in my job of protecting you, i-"_ he stumbled back a step, pushed off balance by a sudden, forceful blow against his chest, bouncing off his shield. he stared incredulously at cheri, her paw raised to strike again if need be.

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Trooper Chapter 2

The forced blow job was a catastrophic failure for the poor gimp, as even more jizz coated his chin and ran down his chest.

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Spygate: The Price of Friendship

Chief drei growled as he was forced to lick the cock, his tongue licking over the goodra's slimy balls as well as he gave him an unwilling fellatio. "see? this is what you showed me, what i learned from you back then... well take it you slut!

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Kayla: Red Sky

Inside her chest, her lungs filled with blood - poisoned tissue rupturing to bleed out with such a forceful blow. her heart skipped, beating erratically. having coughed up blood once already, that was the icing on the cake.

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Oggstrosse Part 5 - Loose Ends

-khalzirak took the hit, but still has his eyes closed, malfross chuckled then reached out with his hand, grabbing b-man telekinetically and threw him across the room- b-man arced helplessly through the air, but not before thrusting arm out with a force blow


Angel's Fall

Already, shana could feel the rounded curve of her bottom welting up so very severely, only to be crushed and compacted by each successive swat then swell just a fraction more in time for her father's next forceful blow.

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DUI Part 2 - Happy Hour

There was no such thing as a forced blow job. all he had to do was bite down and it would all be over. roland didn't bite, didn't even struggle.

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My Sword, My Clan 05 - My Electrical Revue

Fayne struggled to cover himself, mumbling a prayer of white magic to heal himself despite his head now woozy from such a forceful blow.

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Black Oath

Alphonse instinctively tried to swim away through the warm muck, but he could barely breathe after the wyrm's forceful blow.

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The Thief

It had grown softer during the forced blowjob and wayne's knot had deflated almost entirely. xerio, however, grabbed it in a crude fashion and started stroking it right away. "we're going to need this," he said.

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The Tale of Happy Tree: Day 4 - Source of Sorcery

Seethed lammy, axel rubbed his cheek from the forceful blow. "ow! geez fine. i was just trying to make a joke. anyway, thanks for all the assistance you're giving us, we appreciate it.

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Strict Upbringing 2

With a heavy, forceful blow from the metal buckle, it beat a single bruise into her left thigh - impacting towards the outer side of her leg, dead center. there was a metallic sound beneath the thump, pain blazing down her leg from the punch.

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