Giving a Hellhound a massage

If it were, say, one of his standard humanoid golems, he might have been willing to give her the chance, but this golem was his magnum opus. his margin for error was nonexistent.

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Zootopia Fiction: Buckies part 1

You must have prepared a magnum opus?" "nope...." nick replied. "totally going to fail big time. i would have probably degenerated too....i dunno.....i'm too big, you're too small, i won't would have been a catastrophe."

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There, in the distance, his magnum opus was visible - the _sugary chigurh, _a blitz of gold and lights, pillar of promise and hope to all. well, it used to be. something twisted his cuts, spiked his spine with a dread fear.

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Shyena: Part 1

Jonas imagined laying on his bed, colin snapping pictures with the camera, directing him like an auteur composing their magnum opus. they were pictures of a skeleton doused in fluorescent white and stinking of shame and failure.

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Digimon Defenders Chapter 5

No, blackgatomon did not matter... but this, this was his magnum opus, his masterpiece... to be continued...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VI Chapter 8

It was the snout of an obsessed author, verging at the brink of psychopathic tendencies, with sole intention to create his magnum opus. black and yellow head turned towards the purple one, spyro's eyes met the worried orbs of his companions.

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Chapter XVII: Final Solutions and Endings, Night Five

While i could only hope that he would return to his house, parts of me wished i could view my magnum opus." dr. atones said as he put his hand against the wall and looked at the photo.

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Grinding Scales

(44 magnum opus by exodus) celia couldn't help but smile and nod, feeling a bit more comfortable now that this other dragoness seemed so at ease with being nude. "i wouldn't mind a little company, certainly."

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SYBT: Roadside Assistance

The detail in the one she was holding made her think this was the one, his magnum opus, or at least the one he liked the most since he had used it for the logo.

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Into the Sun: Part 7/11-Summer

And i have another non-series story i'm working on that will, hopefully, be finished soon =p when finished, it will be my magnum opus, so to speak. putting a lot of work into that one. anyway, be on the look-out for 'blue' as well.

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