Dreams of Adventure

#14 of short stories brutus sat on a mighty steed, he held his sword at the ready. "i won't be beaten by a bunch of old bones!"

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Love my Daddy: Triple play

She sat on the couch naked, legs pulled up close to cover her vaginal lips. xahn sat on the floor next to delilah, also naked. she looked at desert, her tail wagging excitedly. a pale blue collar was around her neck.

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Innocent Turquoise - Brother's Room

Terrence sat on his friend's bed as he closed the door. "yeah, funny how visiting family you don't see a lot can make just sitting there seem not boring."

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Pouring Rain

She followed as he sat on the seat and she sat on the floor laying down talking to each other. "hey ya wonna go for a skate?" hyde randomly popped up, looking at her mischa shrugged putting her arms out "yeah help me up?"

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Duke Weaselton Gets Even 1 - A Weasel Always Pays His Debts

She sat on his face. there was no way that he was going to obey. he could smell her tailhole, but he wasn't going to lick. undeterred, she collared him and dragged him along with a leash to the bathroom.

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I sat into my half and he sat on the other side. the small oak box we sat in kept us separate via a wall with a small square hole. a curtain over the hole to block view and allow speech to pass.

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Forbidden Affairs - A Murderer and a Degenerate

With no objection and almost aching desires, the dark skinned girl sat on the edge of the bath and parted her legs to allow maximum access.

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Turning the Tables

Angelo disrobed as well, revealing that plumpness ran to his cock as well, draconicon smiled and sat on the bed "could you give me a foot rub angelo?" he cooed as he outstretched his feet and splayed his toes.

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Hidden Passions Flourish CH. 1

Jason jumped off of aidan and sat on the bed. the male followed him, laying out on the queen sized mattress and smiling. "it's been a while, yeah? since it's just been you and me.." the hound demon smiled.

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Family fun time

I went to my bathroom and just sat on the toilet, so many thoughts going through my head. i heard a knock; i look up to dad standing in the doorway looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

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Alone Together

As she sat on my cock we humped against each other, both of us riding the other as my cock slipped in and out of her.

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Always remember Chapter 1

I didn't say anything i just grabbed the milk and cereal and sat on the table. i poured my breakfast and rested my head on my hand.

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