Dear Bogo

Especially when the very top of the letter read in sloppily scrawled penmanship: dear bogo, you souless, specist, self-hating cuckold piece of shit!!!

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Sleeping dragon

Aiden is only really paying the purple dragon half his attention, the other half is dedicated to mentally beating himself up and wallowing in self-hate, but even then the ram can't believe ruben's casualness at finding out about his nightly abuse

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Breel, My Literal Angel From Heaven-Part 2

I felt a world of worry and self hate and fear dissolve as he held me. i swear that single moment lasted longer than my entire time in hell. when we parted though, something felt off... better... lighter. our shackles had dissolved.

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Drac's Domination 6

Let yourself get kidnapped or abused or otherwise led down a path of self-hate as you gradually learned how little you actually enjoyed being a slave, not actually serving but just being used and abused in a different but no less soul-crushing way than our

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Unwittingly Summoned 6

It was almost like looking into a mirror and seeing the embodiment of all the self-hate that he'd felt all his life.

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The Western Cube Chapter 5

Her body's training to survive the self-hate of her past was making her particularly weak to the cube's 'ministrations' in the present. _just hold together. just hold -_ click click. click clack. clack clack.

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Light my Heart - part 3

Subconsciously and to not drown in self hate, that was exactly what he had done. "i am fine", the dragon repeated slow and soft. patamon nodded and even managed a little smile.

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Dark Soles 8

The pulsing warmth soothed him and brought back the self-hate at the same time. he remembered, at the back of his mind, the satisfaction that he'd felt as he ran through the black flame.

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After a few beers, i always got like this, depressed, self-hating, and whiny. chris was by no means sober, but his gentle grasp told me he was more of a loving drunk than anything else. i let myself lean into his arm and laid my head back.

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Amy and Sally: Girl's Night

She did not want him to see how much he had hurt her, lest he attempt some mocking affectation of guilt or sorrow; as the hedgehog was about to walk away, leaving sally wallowing in her own festering pool of self-hate and anger, the squirrel suddenly found

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Before that, _you_ slept with half the city, and it got you precisely nowhere and turned you into a lonely, self-hating pile of fur. and before _that_, you fell for a guy who cared more about his spicy sex life than you, and now he has _aids_."

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Meanwhile, david cringed at the new-age din blaring through the speakers, his implanted memories confirming that his original self hated being driven anywhere by sarah for just the same reason.

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