the ceremony

He was wise and smart, he had a cure for every ailment and a prayer for every doubt. he spoke with the animals, the spirits and the dead, and he knew every plant, every herb, every potion.

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She is a doctor who runs a small business healing people from ailments.

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Paraskepite- Epilog

This drew a strange assortment of people claiming the vaccine caused their 'new' ailments yet throughout all the recent years insulin had been produced there had been no side effects except for low blood sugar if taken in excess.

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Special treatment

I met other patients, exchanged names and ailments, eventually coming to rest on the balcony of the second story.

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New Life, New Mate Part 1.

Stephan and illumanati had treated his injuries and ailments on many occasions, striking up a friendship.

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Everyone knew kilinis; he was constantly heckled by strangers hoping for free advice or an emergency fix for some ailment that couldn't wait for business hours. what no one saw was the purse that changed hands under the table.

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Pregnancy Stream Story 6: Brave New World, 2.0

Studley normally would have asked what had shut the otter up - considering how hard it was to do, he could use any tool he could get - but he was suffering from the same ailment.

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Two-Way Examination

Perhaps--hopefully--it was a temporary ailment, likely caused by the significant magical forces he'd been exposed to in order to get... wherever he was.

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Time Together, Time Apart (part six of seven)

I used to aid anthros, folk like you, who were injured in wars or accidents, even with ailments from being born. and yet...they never expressed gratitude." she looked down, lips pressed together into a thin, trembling line.

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Fellegarran Travel Guide

Worse still, cures for ailments were unable to help against the vastly different variety of 'ailments' the monsters were inflicting on them.

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Escaping the War

## medic/nor tales/tails if our patients' ailments were sufficiently noteworthy, we'd bitch-session about them during lunch. _"i just had someone come in with...!"

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Freedom Fire Chapter 6: The Dawn of the Violent Hope

Each day, he tried to communicate with them, trying to find their reasons and ailments.

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