
Metellus' freedman, megalanthos, obviously bidding on behalf of his master. "one hundred and ten" the murmur became a roar. "honourable senator. do you wish to bid again?" "i may good auctioneer. but first i want a better look at what i am buying.

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Virtually Real Part 7: Grand Theft Starship

"i apologize, i didn't make it clear that he has multiple identical opening bids." i glanced at evan as though surprised, and turned back to the mike, "350." "we have a new opening bid of three hundred fifty royals, any other bids?"

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The Lady's Werewolf - 1 -

Alaine was forcibly snapped out of her trance and she realized that they were already bidding. when it became clear they were bidding for orion, alaine shouted with determined heat in her voice, "five-hundred!"

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Taken to Market

"we'll start with part bidding first for each slave--once done, we'll move on to whole slave bidding." yuki took a deep breath, paused, and smiled. "i know that was a lot, any questions before we begin?"

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Iron Dragon Chapters 68-69

There were those who still seemed skeptical but they wanted to know what people might bid. the couple of rich people were going to bid high it seemed. jenny figured if they at least had more cash on hand they might still win the bidding.

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Up-sizing workforce

The bidding made it to twenty seven pieces of gold each, and i indicated i wanted one, next bid down was twenty five. i wandered over to the cashiers, "gimme the one in the middle, yeah, pink collar." i told them.

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Inches for Charity

Other, more contractual bids had been placed such as biggest in show, which this burly panther had taken the crown, "and what might that bid have been?"

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 1: The Rocky Road Home

As the bidding started georgio looked around, trying to get an idea of which furs were bidding on the wolf. he only knew of the bidders by reputation, but going by those wasn't looking good for the poor thing either way.

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Salvador and the Anything Goes Auction

The new bid was nearly a thousand more than the previous one. a hush fell over the room as the other bidders hesitated. the auctioneer, stunned for only a moment, pounced upon the bid.

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My little vacation

What is the bid?" the wolf laughed." did you even read the ad? there will be a bid. whoever pays the most will get to fuck you in the rear." the fox left to the elevator.

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